
Exactly. I’ve been in various degrees of management in the industry for 14 years, and it’s not the first time this has happened. At the last restaurant I managed, corporate just jacked up the prices across the board by 50 cents, and barely anyone noticed. The Oceanaire isn’t exactly Dennys.

I put a Swarovski crystal on my mirena string

It doesn’t matter- Trump’s followers are too stupid to understand that the Pershing story is bullshit and those that do just don’t care.

Funny how Trump was quick to condemn Barcelona as Terror and didn’t decide to blame the people in the way of the van for their deaths.

I’m certainly not advocating for the police to do medical exams! I just think it’s interesting that the standards of a country we regularly condemn for human rights violations are so much higher than our own when it comes to Black women. In the very, very few and rare circumstance in which it might be necessary to

Satire of what? I just dashed off that comment in the heat of the moment. Sorry if it was unclear. I’m saying my friend was treated more humanely by the police in a country often accused of human rights violations than this young woman was in the US. The police thought my friend was a drug smuggler (she’s not,

She’s Black. They “smell weed” on us all the time, regardless of if we smoke or not.

I’m sure there are many sides to this story. Many sides

Just to follow up....a friend of mine was once forcibly searched (unjustly) for drugs in a devolopping country with a reputation for human right violations. Did the police strip search her in the street? No, they took her to the hospital where trained medical professionals searched her. It was scary and demeaning,

Do people regularly ride around town with marijuana in their vaginas? Why would they do that? I mean, if the police had serious cause to believe a young woman shoved drugs up her vagina, take her to the hospital! That would be cause for concern. If I thought someone was using marijuana as a tampon I’d be very

He’s had sexual assault allegations against him since the 80's starting with ex-wife Ivana.

Or, you know, a lot of them came out YEARS ago, but got brought up again because it went from “A bankrupt real estate developer/rapist getting a reality TV gig” to “A rapist running for president.”

Lol no.

Please elaborate.

He looks like the hippie you’re not supposed to follow to a second location.

Trust me dude, all this stuff leaked a year ago and NO ONE liked what they heard. I was in denial the leaks were true for the longest time but more and more they got confirmed. It is basically bad fan fiction at this point, but at the end of the day no one cares cause of the action, the special effects, and the fact

I never believed they were a real religion until the child/sexual abuse allegations surfaced.

“The seven-year-old who shudders because a man kisses her is not computing ... at seven she should see nothing wrong in a kiss, not even a passionate one.”