
I happened upon a husky mix 5 years ago and after several weeks of searching for her home with no luck, decided to keep her. She is the sweetest dog but Jesus is she hard work. They’re escape artists and runners and will not stop. After an entire year of obedience school and a real-time GPS collar, we’re a lot

I LOVE him. When GOT had gotten way too rapey and misogynistic, HE was the only thing that kept me watching that show. He is amazing.

Just when I thought I couldn’t like Peter Dinklage more! Wowza. In the immortal words of Rose Nylund, “Hubba hubba, zing zing, baby, he’s got everything!”

Harry Potter fans thought adopting an owl as a pet would also be a cool thing to do, especially around Christmas time.

He hasn’t morphed into anything, America’s social and political climate has changed to such a degree that people like him can walk tall open in their hate, because the internet has fostered a echo chamber for him and those like him to do so. This is the world of no accountability for words, the world created by

Free Takiyah Thompson! Call Durham, NC, District Attorney to demand charges be dropped against Takiyah and all anti-racists protesters: 919-808-3010. Donate to bail fund:

Donny boy thought it would be a jolly jape to run for the highest office, lose, and get another book deal with the by line “Donald Trump Former Presidential Candidate) out of it. Then he won.

Now everything he touches turns to shit before his very eyes; almost like Midas, but you know with shit instead of

AGAIN: This should not be a serious surprise to anyone. They knew exactly what they were voting for and getting:

But first you must read this gripping account of the campaign

He has the “I have made a huge mistake” Gob Bluth look on his face.

What the actual fuck is going on with him? I grew up with him as background noise; an easily ignored buffoon. But he’s morphed into something monstrous in the last ten years or so.

Help us Robert Mueller. You’re our only hope!

It’s only been 7 months. This seriously needs to stop. And to all of the people claiming that Trump is the lesser of two evils or that he and Hillary were the same....

Oh my God, guys. Why can’t we all just get along? Let’s sit down with a Pepsi and solve racism.

I can’t use this enough as it relates to anything Kardashian. Waiting patiently for the day that people stop caring about talentless, famous-for-nothing skank who refer to themselves as “brands.”

So here’s a rule to follow everyone: If someone offends a group of which you are not a part of, it is not up to you to decide when people should get over it or accept the apology.

I needed this.

Macy’s Thanksgiving day Parade is literally the Hitler. So are stoplights.

Ummm... That’s a pretty biased interpretation of FoM, and a completely ridiculous tie back to it being in use of the Nazis similar to these street protesters.

Yeah, blocking traffic may cause hardships, and if it’s a main road, it may not be avoidable even. It’s not an ideal form of protest IMO. But drawing a connection between that and what Nazis did to truly restrict movement?