
For the sole purpose of accuracy, I present to you the list of right-wing names who have publically denounced what happened in Charlottesville and called it precisely what it was: white supremacy (or domestic terrorism).

Fan-fucking-tastic. But I prefer this one: “I am being blamed for the unfortunate events of his life that are a product of his decisions and not mine.”

Sometimes, we don’t say anything because we are scared, too. If it’s family, friends or coworkers I would have no issue calling it out but these people are a danger to everyone who disagrees with them and they can’t really be called out if we are out by ourselves.

They’re tired of the bullshit, the political correctness, using our tax dollars to bring in people from Syria and Somalia, all this other stuff with homosexuality.

Oh my god, I didn’t know I needed a duet with her and Kesha but now I DO.

On why the front of her skirt was not lifted:

My sweet child of summer. Rens rugs are sheeps’ skins. Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not. Rens, 100% sheepskin rug. My favorite rug.

When Qyburn unveiled the Scorpion, it was cartoonish. Come the fuck on. Something that half-assed can’t possibly be Drogon’s demise. (Right?!)

Yes, you go, Mini Ned! (the homage to her dad more obvious than ever with the clothing and hairstyle this episode)

Yeah. And she had the nerve to lecture Jon about pride. Apparently self-awareness isn’t her strong suit. Like, you literally just asked Jon to bend a knee before you’d help him because of your own damn pride about being the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. She’s that one friend who has most of her shit together

“Jesus Christ. I’ve been mentally tortured by two different people, raped, and the best relationship I’ve had has been with Tyrion Lannister who I hated but at least he wasn’t just the worst....and -I’m- the one with the least PTSD? What the fuck is wrong with you people? How am -I- the sane one here?”

I loved how partway through the sparring, Brienne realized Arya could kill her, and kicked her into the dirt and then became deadly serious — I also loved the mutual respect between them — warrior women both.

No Needle wasn’t. Jon had that made. How the heck could he have made Valyrian steel? The recipe has been lost for centuries.

No, I think it’s much more likely Sansa is realizing everyone still alive in her family is incredibly damaged, and the extent is even worse than she feared. And since she’s in charge/having the experience to recognize damage, she’s upset and afraid for how she can fix or handle it going forward.

I think she’s upset, but not necessarily pissed. I think there were a couple of different/interacting things happening there.

This was the best scene of the whole episode! Dragons and Dothraki? Meh. Brienne and Arya sparring? YAAASSS!!!

They’re going to go at it like rutting dogs in heat only for Bran to show up an episode later and go “I’m the mystical Three-Eyed Raven who has had his mind expanded after Phil 101 this Semester and you are his aunt and technically he has a better claim to the throne than you.”


Naw I’d rather they got rid of the tipping thing altogether, and just do it the way places like Australia, South Korea, and many other parts of the world do it with no tipping.

That’s terrible service, even waiters aren’t allowed to chide customers for not tipping. And tipping for a simple cup of coffee is definitely not mandatory.