
Yes, Deval Patrick’s tenure as governor of Massachusetts & assistant attorney general for civil rights mean absolutely nothing.

I’ve been seeing it everywhere today and it just doesn’t compute with me. Why 17? Why not an even two weeks?

How many times did he, and his Repug cohorts, dis Obama for going to Hawaii once a year? This motherfucker’s been golfing every week.

Nancy Pelosi has been a great leader of the House. This is so insanely stupid.

Unpopular opinion, but I think Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks great, especially before she got Mooched. It’s nice to see a woman of size look professional and not dowdy. I’m a woman of size entering a conservative profession and it is hard to make conservative clothes look fashionable when you’re not thin. She’s

Despite all the crazy news from today I’m still stuck on a 17 day vacation. I mean that rancid cheeto basically gets days off every week and now he’s taking off for more than 2 weeks? Must be nice.

the rule is that you conscientiously educate yourself by asking an actual L(/l/w)ibertarian which standard of capitalization pisses them off the most, and then proceed to use that one.

I think Chapelle is held to a higher standard because he was treated by the media as a rare comedic voice that speaks about race with insight and wit, showing a delicate touch when making jokes based on stereotypes. From there, he was portrayed as extremely principled for walking away from a huge paycheck out of

Wait, he doesn’t work blue collar jobs. UPS Driver, Police officer, security officer?

Absolutely! I think that of all the “jokes” recounted here, that’s the one that is closest to really working. I’m a white trans women, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that my whiteness protects me from some transphobia. The thing about Mr. Chappelle, though, is that I don’t think he knows enough about the

I think the ‘disorder’ part comes from how rigid you are about it. I buy locally grown fruits and vegetables and take the time to prepare food that’s as fresh and nutritious as I can but if my kids say they want to go to McDonald’s for dinner once in a while, I’m game. Chocolate bars have crossed the threshold of my

Jezebel: We need to see more movies about women of colour! We need to see more movies directed by women! We need to see more movies written by women! Why are all movies told from the point of view of white Americans!


Lost and Grey’s are ABC shows. Crazy Ex Gf, Jane the Virgin, and the Flash are CW shows. How can CBS possibly take credit for them?

I swear to fucking god, I am so sick of the reporting on this movie completely omitting the fact that 1) the author of the book co-wrote the screenplay and is, according to both her and Jolie, a very close friend of Jolie’s 2) this movie was done with the full support of the Cambodian government and the local

I’ll let Guzman slide, just because of his pivotal and important role in Crocodile Dundee II. I haven’t seen Gershon in anything decent since How to Make it in America.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

I’ve been exercising and trying to include more fruits and vegetables in my diet because I noticed it makes me feel better. I noticed my body is growing stronger and I can do more. I went from not being able to do a plank at all to doing one for 15 seconds. Focusing on weight made me feel discouraged. Focusing on

It’s like dudes who learned to say “I want a girl who takes care of herself” instead of “no fatties” in their dating profiles. The sickness is still there, but it has a better PR spin now.

“Most of what I said was humorous and joking. Legally, it may have been on the record, but the spirit of it was off. And he knew that.”