You talk about killing one baby, and suddenly you’re King Herod. I want my country back!
You talk about killing one baby, and suddenly you’re King Herod. I want my country back!
$5 says he’s ‘pro-life’ too.
Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.
Well, I’m sorry for what happen
She also has a baseline comportment of “smug”. Spicer, at least could throw some snark and then genuinely make nice with a reporter. He could also occassionally laugh at himself (though not nearly as much as we could laugh at him).
Yup. We in the military have an obligation to refuse orders that are “immoral, illegal, or unethical.” If Adm. Zukunft believes that the orders he is being given to discriminate against his service members violate that criteria then he can absolutely push back on them.
“Her family is the United States Coast Guard. And I told Taylor, ‘I will not turn my back...”
We’re now in a situation where the heads of the US Armed Forces, traditionally some of the most stubborn socially conservative people on the planet, are more tolerant than the President.
Disagreement and rational discourse is fine. Jumping all over a good politician’s shit like a ravenous dog because they aren’t perfect at everything isn’t. Conflating the two is what got Trump elected. Divide and get conquered.
My takeaway from this comments section:
How, specifically? They can’t patent weed strains that are publicly available everywhere, which is their current big money-making scheme. And there are startups in states that have legalized it that will be years ahead of “Big Pharma” when it comes to production and distribution. I think you’re just so hopped up on…
Your comment, like all unhinged BernieBro rants, makes zero sense and has no basis in reality. Legal weed is one of Big Pharma’s biggest fears. It’s why they’ve been working to keep it on Schedule A for decades, stupid.
Not sure it’s going to get the taste of that pharma vote out of my mouth.
The super-authoritarian use of “my generals” never fails to disturb.
I think former (older, white male) military personnel remind him of his father, who sent him to a military academy. And Kelly will only be as successful as the chaotic commander in chief allows him to be, which is to say, it’s only a matter of time before he’s either fired or resigns out of sheer frustration.
There is a zero percent chance that there are no indictable crimes in Trump’s recent past—and I’m not talking about the election. I don’t think anyone in NY real estate could survive concerted scrutiny by someone like Mueller and his team. That’s why Trump is so fucking worried; I’m sure he thinks he can manage the…
When faced with being impeached in shame he’ll resign. It is his style to “go go go” until he pulls out and can’t go anymore. There will be a tipping point where he’ll realize that he has two options and at that point a resignation will be quick.
We all know Trump will never resign. Resigning means he’ll be seen as “weak” so that’ll never happen and no way in hell the GOP impeaches him ‘cause they’re terrifed of their nutty base, so where are we headed? Constitutional crisis and low-grade civil war or will that 33% eventually accept he has to go but they’ll…
And this isn’t even the biggest story about Trump’s lies today.