
I live in Australia. I’ll kill whatever the fuck I want before it kills me.

It has been said that one’s level of tolerance for something is directly related to their proximity to that something.

The key is a woman over 70. She didn’t ring her hands helplessly or call someone to take care of the snakes. She found a problem, solved it, and the got the fuck on with her life.

That’s entirely false. Copperheads are very willing to bite. Every snake fact site in the world will tell you.

Copperheads are exceedingly dangerous, and a nest of them under a residence is a situation that more than justifies their extermination. That’s all there is to that.

Seriously, I advocate against killing and paid some guy a couple of hundred dollars to “relocate” 6 or 7 skunks, moving them from under my cabin to somewhere out in the nearby forest. But I would kill a pack of poisonous snakes that had taken up residence under the house, just like this brave old lady. Aren’t

are you pontificating from Park Slope or some shit

This is interesting. I’ve been waiting 6 mos. to see someone say something like this. Just didn’t expect it to be Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ):

Little Effing Hipster.

They just reused Tyrion’s wig from the pilot...

“it’s too complicated to explain” could have been substituted with “he was the three eyed raven, trained me, then died so now I am”. it really wasn’t that complicated. BRANFLAKES IS LAME

Meera. Meera will get stuck doing the dishes because Sansa is too busy ruling shit, Arya is too busy seeking revenge, and Bran is in the corner, being emo as fuck.

I’m pissed too, especially since the showrunners are ignoring the consequences even of how they’ve set up stuff in their show. People in KL and the Red Keep should be treating Cersei as a full-blown Mad Queen, given that she just blew up the holiest site in the Seven Kingdoms for most people and killed a popular High

The default Sansa hate drives me every opportunity she has tried to give control of the North to one of her brothers. She could have fought against Jon becoming the King in the North and she had a much stronger claim than him. She could have told him, I want the throne and the only way you’ll get the North

I’m not the only one who thinks Davos is kinda hot right?

Season 4-6 fans: GOD why is everyone TALKING can we speed it up already I don’t need THREE EPISODES of an army marching!

I’ve been finding all the comments about the timelines so tedious. At this point I don’t need three episodes of Jon and Davos on a boat or full sieges of both Caterly Rock and High Garden. I would much, much rather the show spend the few remaining episodes on extended scenes like Dany and Jon or Cersei and the

I’m not feeling Jon and Dany just yet either. I was never fully sold on them hooking it up, but since it seems inevitable, I’m hoping we’ll get to see their relationship evolve.

The Queen of Thorns is a REAL one