Some of us grays are just overlooked gems though.
Some of us grays are just overlooked gems though.
I wouldn’t say that about 12 dudes clapping. That is not a known white Supremicist symbol. Neither was this until 4Chan decided to twist American sign language around to display a W and a P to own the libs.
Pretty close to an old Manhattan tenement apartment except for the fact that a toilet in the kitchen is probably illegal because I’ve never seen one. Bathtubs, yes. Showers, sure.
Those of us who make it our business to understand fascism and to follow trends are very familiar with this symbol.
It’s not an ok symbol. It’s a W & a P in American sign language and often done using two hands. Frequently used to ‘own the libs’ or as a dog whistle. Whichever reason she did it, she’s an asshole. She was acting like an asshole before she did it and she’s still an asshole.
It’s not an ok sign. It’s a W and a P in American sign language. Normally done using two hands but sometimes one hand and yes, commonly used to own the libs and often used as a dog whistle.
It started raining as soon as they arrived and it stopped when they left.
There were maybe 40 cops per each official nazi.
Why do they think that America is their homeland?
Does she know that she’s not white? She’s got quite a record with the courts.
Me too! I got contacted by a guy on Match many many many many years ago. I looked him up and he was a) a lot older than he told me and b) very married. The internet is awesome.
For the love of god, stop calling cops on Black people. Also, hold your phones sideways when filming.
I don’t think that he was swimming. I live in NY and have never seen anyone in the pool with socks on. Gross.
Not shocked.
You are good. It’s exhausting just thinking about racists and their racist minds.
Me too. My dad left when he was 14. I consider my family to be refugees from Alabama.
I love this woman. She is unapologetically Black and she obviously is no dummy regardless of what the orange asshole says.
I don’t understand the comment by my fellow gray person. Does he/she think that I am white? I did not start out my post as “As a white person”. Some people deserve to be gray. Some of us don’t. :)
Financial aid was also easier to get, the interest on student loans was very low. I was able to live in my own (now hard to get section 8) apartment and get myself through college working part time.
Some “old people” have grown children and actually know how much college costs these days, but besides that, you’re right. I got myself through college with scholarships and low interest loans that I was able to pay off within 5 years in the 80's. The changes that were made to student loans is the most egregious thing…