Ah, another royal wedding.
Ah, another royal wedding.
ABA - Anything But ABBA
My grandson is only 3 months old and I’m afraid for him and the talk I’m going to have to have with him when he’s older.
Right but those are docked bikes, they aren’t in the middle of the streets and dumped on sidewalks and if you don’t return them, at least here in NYC, you get charged.
I grew up in New York and while we think of gentrification as white people moving into black neighborhoods, I got pushed out of Manhattan by ‘gentrifiers’ into Brooklyn and became a ‘gentrifier’ although not a white one, clearly wealthier than my neighbors (which isn’t saying much to be honest). My old neighborhood is…
I’m just sad that you felt that you had to compare Hobby Lobby to Cracker Barrel. Didn’t they just kick the deportation bus out of their store? Chic Fil A would be more appropriate. Oh wait. Cracker. Cracker Barrel.
It’s more likely that, because she is light skinned and ‘apparently white’, identifying as biracial is a way of claiming her blackness. I myself am ‘black adjacent’ and identify very strongly with the black side of my family. I throw up black power fists and wear braids in my hair which causes darker skinned people…
This is why my dad always made us walk behind him whenever we went somewhere. Like he didn’t even know us.
I read everything that you write and I think that this is the most relevant thing that you’ve written. Well said.
Whenever I’m in the drug store and hear ‘code 99' over the loudspeaker I ask really loudly, loud enough for the whole store to hear it... “Where’s the black person”? ( I know it’s not about me, I’m a light skinned middle aged woman frequently mistaken for white).
Another poor here. I go out of my way to limit the use of plastic bags because you know, the planet.
Anti-racism would refer to that as “apparently white”, meaning she could be mistaken for white or is white, but not “white passing”.
I’ve never heard of this show but I from this video, suspect that it might put me to sleep.
I think you just cut and paste.
Wait, I have Chess? Why yes, yes I do. I hadn’t even noticed it before.
Ha ha. The Empire State Building is still standing.
We get quakes and tornados too, but they are pretty minimal. We are more likely to get destructive straight line winds that knock down every tree in its path. Since we’ve never been presented with a Tsunami, it would be hard to judge how tough we are compared to Japan. Then again, we’ve had our own unique tragic and…
I am from California and live in New York. I feel the same way about Hurricanes. Yes, they can cause just as much damage, if not more, than an Earthquake. You don’t know exactly where it is going to hit the worst, but you have plenty of warning when one is coming your way and a chance to prepare for it and get to…
I’m shocked. They didn’t kill the guy.
Now I understand how Cosby supporters must have felt. I don’t want to believe that this is true but ... where there is smoke there is fire.