The Original Sunshine

If you can’t afford the good ones, wear the surgical or cloth ones because they are better than nothing.

Yes. I used to live in Montclair, NJ.

Is it possibly based on previously fulfilled orders> I have ordered a few things ( that did not work ) via Amazon that turned out to be from China. I also ordered some ‘free’ hats (shipping only!) on Facebook that I had to throw out thanks to that burnt rubber smell.

Or, as we sometimes like to call them “gifts”.

Isn’t there already a book named “The Queens Assassin” or was it “The Queens Poisoner”?

I’ll just keep watching ‘Drumline’ over and over again.

Like orthodox men that aren’t allowed to touch women, it’s the same with the Buddhist monks in Thailand. I was in the back seat of a car with one sitting in the front seat who never acknowledged my presence. It was really awkward. I’ve had to step out of their way lest they accidentally touch me or had to move seats

Given that his schedule was cleared for 3 days, I’m voting for a stent.

Only for followups. Because of high cholesterol showing up in a routine blood test, I twice had to go back for a second fasting test....but no, it’s not something that you plan out in advance.

I’ve never heard of this show before but the photo is.. uh .. intriguing.

I wonder how she got a brain injury in jail.

Like a union?

You could but should know that it’s against the law. It doesn’t mean that people don’t do it, but we work type workspaces and online English instruction companies do get raided from time to time.

Please share with us the names of gig economy companies that that are ethical and pay a decent wage?

I’ll add to what others have said. The long term unemployed are forced into the low paying gig economy. This includes anyone over the age of 45, more likely over 55, that has been chronically unemployed since they lost their job in the economic downturn.  

This type of business model is completely unsustainable.

I’ve been gray for so long it looks like up to me.

Florida. My step-Mother (my dad passed) decided to date and live in Florida with a somewhat racist white guy. Thankfully it didn’t last too long.

Wasn’t former Yahweh member Michael the Black Man” there with his culty crew? 

Wow, thanks for that response. It helps to explain clearly why this is a full time job for some people. I hope that things improve for you or that there are better delivery services. From what I can tell, they pretty much all have their downsides.