The Original Sunshine

I have never been to India and don’t have direct experience of this, but I have been told by women who have experienced it that many Indian men watch a lot of Western porn and that their ideas about western women may be encouraging them to this kind of behavior.

I’ve made it through half of the book and my guess is that this is going to drive trump crazy for sure. Not only the fact that the books are being handed out, but because of who is doing the handing out. My take is that the thing that he wants most is the acceptance and admiration of rich billionaires. Here in New

New Years Eve is a horrible holiday. It’s almost as bad as Valentines when you throw all of those high expectations in there. I used to feel like a loser if I wasn’t out enjoying myself but honestly, it was never good for me, even when I was married. Staying home with a good book is a lot better.

It sounds a bit sadistic for a guy to fall all over you for two weeks like you’re the greatest thing since bacon was invented and then ghost you. It’s weird how one asshole can destroy your self esteem like.

Hey, it’s still a date.

Yep. Some of the museums (except for the Guggenheim which is $25 but it’s the Guggenheim) have free days, most only have a ‘recommended’ donation amount and you can get a free membership to those museums with your NYC ID card for a year.

I was fired laid off for that, even though I wasn’t the one who did it. The company left their salary information on the server where anyone could find it. One of my co-workers got ahold of it. Employers found out because people freaked out. Naturally they assumed that it was me because I have a big mouth and it was a

No, not at all. Then again, I either put my phone on vibrate or use my sunrise alarm. The ear plugs don’t block out all noise so it probably depends on how far away and how loud your alarm is.

You’re right. I live in New York City where Museums are available to all of the people. 

I live in New York City where Museums are available to all of the people.

This film should normally be the kind of movie that I would love. I normally love musicals and am fascinated by circuses,  but I absolutely hated La La Land and if this film is anything like La La Land (and it sounds like it is just as bad as La La Land), I’ll pass.

If you don’t want Alexa to answer a question honestly, don’t ask it.

I haven’t been spending a lot of time on the internet but I know a Getty Photographer who has photos of this guy in Charlottesville chanting ‘Jews will not replace us’. Has anyone brought this up?

This is exactly what I was thinking. Are shoes actually cleaner than bare feet? In so many cultures, wearing shoes inside is considered to be gauche.

These  ear plugs are great. Not only for your roommates sexcapades but for a noisy neighbor. I love them. They are a lot more comfortable than other brands ear plugs and block out sufficient noise.

Is there a source for this besides the Daily Mail? Not that I don’t believe that it’s entirely plausible, I just don’t trust the Daily Mail for a myriad of reasons all of which are ‘they post things from unreliable sources and don’t bother to investigate them;.

In an ideal world where everyone is mature and able to control their emotions, your way is the way to go.

While not approving of what you did, I believe that it is understandable.

As someone who is frequently read the wrong way, for similar reasons, I just want you to know that I read it the way that it was intended.