Whether or not he is actually working for justice is up for debate but the cops would indeed try to destroy his reputation. Signed - I don’t like him but don’t know if he did it or not.
Whether or not he is actually working for justice is up for debate but the cops would indeed try to destroy his reputation. Signed - I don’t like him but don’t know if he did it or not.
Especially since he is one of the most disliked activists from Ferguson. Many claim to have been ripped off by him. Having said that, it is entirely possible that he has been set up by the cops. I’ve heard too many harassment stories to believe that it isn’t possible.
Gender reveal? What the hell?
OMG Stop being so hard on yourself. If your friend said those things to you, what would you tell her? You sound like a very strong woman. Maybe too strong.
The idea that there is a Mother out there who isn’t flawed is bullshit. When my son was growing up, his best friend had a stay at home Mother who raised two…
Sociopaths do what they do because they can always blame it on you.
It sounds like your daughter had a perfectly natural reaction to losing her twin. I’m so sorry for your loss.
I wouldn’t think that separation anxiety has much to do with parenting. Some kids are shy and some are social. I had one of each. My son was very confident and social and my daughter just loved her mommy &…
I hope you look that good at 75.
Have you met the grays (I am gray on jezebel but not that kind of gray. I’m one of the good ones)
I don’t know if they would be safely home, but I’m pretty sure that their lives would have a lot more value than these girls did. White girls steal cars and break the law too, as much as many would like to believe otherwise. They are just less likely to have records.
People wouldn’t be saying that they deserved to die…
Yours is the best comment. You get bonus points for not being a black & white thinker and making sense. So refreshing.
That tattoo cinches the deal. I must have missed that part of the story. Bad, bad girls. My daughter got a tattoo at the age of 16 as a reward for getting good grades and staying out of trouble. I realize now that I was a very bad Mother because she works on Wall Street, which is embarrassing!
I’m just going to make a bunch of wild, unsubstantiated speculations about what happened here, because that is what we do here on the internets.
Maybe Tad Williams or Robin Hobb since they seem to write the same stories anyway. I’m not complaining, mind you.
It’s something that many grieving families do, there are people who specialize in recreating memories in cases where there are no photographs. I don’t think that this particular person is very good, but it’s not as uncommon as you might think.
She went to the police but the school had already overlooked several reports of rape involving this same man, and were going to overlook hers, allowing him to assault other women with impunity and immunity while he continued to attend school, and of course play football (which is KING). They refused to offer her…
In the old Commodore 64 days, I would get stacks and stacks of pirated games, mostly from anti-Capitalists who just thought that everything should be free.
I raised two kids and for many years, did not receive child support. My ex was unemployed during that time. Eventually he got a job driving a bus and could barely support himself. Maybe if he had been a wealthy man, living the high life while his children starved, I would have gone after him for support but he wasn’t…
I understand the other point of view. There have been times when I have been so blasted by borderlines that I haven’t been very kind and another borderline set me straight. I think that it’s possible to be compassionate and yet also to protect yourself. Not everyone is sensitive and suffers from anxiety. Borderlines…
My experiences with borderlines have been so bad that I have learned how to recognize them early on and to run in the opposite direction. Borderlines and people with anxiety don’t mix.