The Original Sunshine

I disagree. There is a line and her friend crossed it. We all have our own problems. There is no reason that we should have to put up with abuse.

I had something very similar happen to me. When I found out how badly my ex-friends were bad mouthing me, I was completely devastated. Luckily I only lost her, her husband and one other friend. The rest all confirmed to me that they had been bad mouthing me. Some of them had even believed the exaggerated lies that

Awful. It’s certainly not my intention to blame the parents for listening to the doctor. It’s normal for us to question ourselves when they tell us we’re wrong.

I think that some states have done a good job. It is possible to make home births safer. Mine was safer. It didn’t work out, but I did deliver a healthy baby. The stats in those states should bear this out.

My Mother in law said that about my daughter once, she was screaming and had an ear infection. She tried to get me to ignore her because she was sure that she was just trying to get attention.

I don’t know what it’s like in other states but here in NY, you still have prenatal testing and ultrasounds even if you choose to have a home birth.

I think that it’s because many of the people who go for home birth are also anti-vaxxers. So home birth just gets thrown in there. My aunt had 5 children at home. They all turned out fine and the youngest is a midwife.

I tried to have a home birth with my first. My reasons were mainly financial. I had a midwife who, in New York, has to work with a doctor, so I had seen the doctor already. We had a complication and he is the one who ended up delivering my perfectly healthy baby but also had an episiotomy. Every woman should want to

There is a video, I believe from the same event, where the photographer got attacked by another secret service guy. You can see the kids with their fists up which I think set the haters off. The photographer wanted to get the shot (I would have killed for that shot) and the Secret Service guy wouldn’t allow him out of

“They shouldn’t have been there in the first place”. I’m just saying it before the racists say it. Saving a little time here.

I’ve already watched it twice. Take notes!

Yep. There goes the last one...or something..

Not any more, he doesn’t. This isn’t irony, my friend.!

“Among other things, this story serves as an example of why diversity in the newsroom is so important. It isn’t because diversity is charity, or because giving opportunities to people other than white men is a Christlike thing to do, but because everyone has blind spots, and everyone fucks up.”

Agreed! The movement towards female Rabbis and Monks is something that I am wholeheartedly behind. As a Buddhist, it’s my responsibility to wipe out patriarchy in my own house.

In Thailand on the larger buses, they have monitors that will move people to make sure that monks don’t have to sit next to people who have lady parts. I’ve been in cars with monks who did not speak to me or acknowledge me. Of course, I’ve forgotten the rules and tried to shake hands with Hassidic men who refused to

Lol. Troll.

My prediction that this act was perpetrated by a really very angry man was prescient.

I think that’s the point that the article kinda missed. The book “Our Guys” does make that point quite well, if you are interested.

I would be interested in the answer to that question!