The Original Sunshine

I think of it more as tips to keep your marriage from going bad in the first place, but there are plenty of couples I know who have been together for years who do not have sex, ever.

Good. Get out as fast as you can. Run.

Hopefully you don’t use pornography as your guide to being a good sex partner...but it sounds more as though crippling social anxiety might be an issue that might respond well to some form of therapy.

That’s really good advice. Young not douche-bro guys also need to avoid the “nice guy” syndrome. I never quite know how to explain this to my young friends because usually they are head over heals with a young woman that is never going to end up with them and nothing that I say is going to make a difference.

So, go for someone older, like late 20's early thirties. Men’s brains aren’t fully formed until they are 25 and men in their late 20's to 30's are in their peak sexually (and less obnoxiously horny). After that, they start to go downhill again with their midlife crisis stuff. Luckily they get better again.

I remember being really happy to be able to fit into my lingerie after I lost some of my baby weight. What a disaster. Also, the beginning of the end of my marriage. What an asshole.

Why would I get my news from anyplace but Jezebel? That’s crazy talk, man.

It sounds like a massive chemical spill nobody has heard of could use a little media attention from someone who can bring it.

That’s interesting. Here in NY most of the hospitals seem to have been taken over by a huge corporation called Presbyterian but even back in the day, I can’t even imagine a doctor at St Vincents refusing to induce labor in a woman who was miscarrying.

I don’t even know what that means.

I’m about the same age as Lori Maddox and it *was* a different time. We’re the only ones who are turning her into a victim. I respect the fact that she does not see herself as a victim and I think that everyone else should too.

I posted this on my wall and immediately had some offended white tears. Most people of all hues found it funny though.

I met a woman recently who moved here (Brooklyn) from France because of the racism there. She said that she couldn’t get into the swimming pool without the white people all getting out. She didn’t want to raise her children that way.

I’ve heard similar stories from (very) young Asian American girls who visit Asia. They are constantly being mistaken for baby hookers by Western white men.

Righteous rant. It’s amazing to me that people still have faith that the justice system honorably arrests, prosecutes and convicts the right person. I don’t know if this guy is guilty or not because I don’t know the facts.

I don’t hate slave narratives. I don’t have to go and see them but IMHO anything that teaches white people that slavery wasn’t all picnic and salvation for “the blacks” is a good thing.

You confused facts with theory. Just don’t use the words “New World Order” and it actually sounds sane.

Anyone can be an extra, and in New York it seems like everyone is, but not everyone can act!

“Don’t regular cab drivers get paid an hourly wage?”