Sunshine is my Spirit Animal

I yelled at the TV “you’re a fucking robot!!!” and boyfriend just looked at me like I was crazy.

and by younger, I mean I was a freshman in college. My parents’ house is most definitely bigger than my apartment, though.

There was totally a time a few years ago that I did that. It was more fun when I was younger.

I had a horrible thought this morning that I wanted her to know what it feels like to be ridiculed for being a woman and recognize the fact that she supports someone who sexually abuses women.

One of the girls I work with posted this and I wanted to rage out. And she’s pregnant and having a girl. I can’t even right now.

Well, yes. Just saying. Treadmills are awful. They hurt my Achilles like crazy.

Boyfriend’s parents are horrible republicans sometimes. Boyfriend’s mom told me yesterday that she was glad he “still had some of his family values” because he’d gotten too liberal after moving to our city. The thing is, I’m eons more liberal than he is.

Trump supporters can’t be reasoned with.

And it can’t be blamed on “uneducated white people,” either. He took a majority of college educated white people as well.

I have a coworker who told me that she was so glad Jill Stein was going to be on our ballot because “fuck Hillary”

that’s because he isn’t Yvanka.

I’ve had a Paragard for more than 2 years and no real issues with it other than the heavier periods and more cramping. But it’s nothing I can’t handle.

running on a treadmill for 3 hours sounds like absolute hell.

Marching On by OneRepublic came on my Pandora station this morning. It seemed very fitting.

I have an IUD and hormonal birth control. I refuse to get pregnant. Also, it helps with the hormones pre-period.

blocking should stop friend suggestions. It makes it so that person basically doesn’t exist to you on Facebook.

he also probably likes to “grab them by the pussy”

One of my coworkers underwent a similar thing. Her daughter was raped by a high schooler while she was in middle school and they reported it (obviously). But then she got bullied so mercilessly (called a whore and that she should kill herself) that she attempted suicide several times and had to be put in a facility.

It’s Montana. Literally everyone has a gun.

What movie is the main picture from? I feel like I need to watch it.