Sunshine is my Spirit Animal


I am so very sorry

I once long-distance dated a guy I met on a dating service. It gets better. It was a Jewish dating service, he wasn’t Jewish, and ended up being controlling and completely batshit crazy. He dumped me via text one night by telling me it wasn’t working and he didn’t care, then proceeded to nonstop call me and blame me

That’s what I was thinking, that they were using hate crime because the crimes targeted a specific subset of the population.

I just want to say that this occurred in WAY Northeastern Montana where people are batshit crazy. Can confirm, boyfriend is from Glasgow and refuses to ever go back. This shit would not fly in Western Montana.

he prefers they look like his daughter

Unless you’re a fatty. Trump hates fatties.

I was at work and rapidly googled “horrified look” to post that reply. I saw that one and knew it was perfect.

Jean Stanley, a 50-year-old woman from New Berlin, Wisconsin, came to the rally wearing a pink T-shirt with bold, black lettering that said “Wisconsin Women Love Trump.”


I stopped watching after they killed off Will Turner. Because I just wanted to stare at Will Turner and was NOT CHILL that he died.

but they are the best toes ever. And he’s seen a lot of toes. His toes are the best.

my boyfriend’s dad posted a photo on facebook basically stating that the “only thing he noticed” about the debates was that Trump was wearing an American flag pin and Clinton wasn’t. Um, k? Who gives a shit if Trump is patriotic.


I don't criticize clothes. I was just stating a comparison

who freaking gives a fuck what she was wearing. It’s not like she showed up wearing a ballgown or a cocktail dress. People need to calm the fuck down.

what happened to the Bachelor discussion posts? I live for these.

I went to the University of Arizona, that people called the “Jew of A” and met, like, no Jews that I actually liked. And I’ve never actually dated a Jew in my life. So whatever.

I believe you.

It was the thing that the water goes through when you fill the tub too high? I had plugged the drain because I was taking a bath and the little fucker figured out how to get through.