Sunshine is my Spirit Animal

cockroaches are a main reason I do not miss living in Arizona. I once had one crawl through the bathtub water tap while I was in the tub. It was horrible.


I had the issue with the second. I fixed it with deleting netflix and re-installing it.

my only annoyance with our firestick is that I feel like it can get annoyingly choppy, especially when boyfriend is eating up our bandwidth with a game.

I thought it has been a paid service for a while. Got Hulu Plus a few years ago and canceled it last year? And then renewed it this year for commercial free, which is totally worth it.

“Caitlyn just wasn’t relatable,” the insider says of the Donald Trump supporter, 66, who often clashed with her liberal friends on the show. “Trans viewers did not see her as one of them.”

I lucked out in that I never had any pervy coaches when I did gymnastics. We had some total asshole coaches that bullied you rather than helped you. One was the head coach. She wasn’t even my coach (I was recreational at the time) and she would verbally berate me for things not even related to my gymnastics. The other

an 8 year-old cannot consent to sex. Forced.

how in the fuck does anyone bypass the fact that someone has been having sex at 8?! Like, this kid is not suffering from sex addiction because she is obsessed, she is suffering from the fact that she was forced to have sex at a young age and this is her brain’s way of coping with the trauma. And I caught the way that

Robby would have to be straight for that

for the sake of being vague, he treated someone I’m close to pretty horribly and said some hurtful things to her.

no, Zack.

that and what in the fuck have the Kardashians even done to be famous. All Kim did was make a freaking sex tape. Congrats, I guess?

I know a guy who was on Paradise Hotel. He ended up being an asshole.

I live in Montana and plan on getting up at 6 AM to go for a run before it gets too hot. And then I’ll go back to sleep. Treadmills fuck up my achilles, though. And I get bored.

There’s a woman I know that was first Bernie or Bust, never voting for Hillary, to pro-Hillary, to now NEVER HILLARY and supposedly voting for Jill Stein. She’s driving me fucking crazy and I want to tell her to just MAKE UP HER FUCKING MIND and stop posting her stupid shit on facebook.

All I freaking wear are my birks in the summers. I have the ones with the toe strap (Mayari)

apparently knitting needles are fine, which makes zero sense to me.

No freaking clue. Probably some dude that falls along the same lines as the “healer” in Kaitlyn’s cycle

Evan is annoying af. Also, the fact that he’s an ex preacher turned erectile dysfunction specialist