Sunshine is my Spirit Animal

my boyfriend’s mom told me that she never gets the flu shot because she thinks it’s better to build a “natural immunity” to it. And I even told her that you don’t build an immunity to the flu because it changes every year but she still kept saying that it’s better to “build an immunity.” And she is convinced they

There is an IRC in Montana and I don’t even want to think about some dick border patrol agent harassing refugees who don’t even fully understand English.

that’s why I’ll probably just stream it instead of watching it on Hulu so they don’t get the ratings lol

even better, a supposed “trained”good guy with a gun

actually, a lot of people have guns in their pictures. Tindering in Montana and other rural-ish areas is literally all guns, dead elk, and dead fish

I’m a type 1 diabetic and have been getting the flu shot every year since I was diagnosed. People who refuse to get the flu shot suck. My boyfriend’s parents run a daycare and they have already said that if they are required to get the flu shot, they will quit doing daycare. Wtf.

He was raised on the Highline (Glasgow and some other tiny town). It’s also interesting because his dad isn’t from Montana. He moved to Glasgow as a teenager, but he’s originally from a different state. And his mom is constantly complaining about people who aren’t from Montana and I have yet to remind her that her own

however, someone who is disabled has to be claiming disability for at least 2-3 years until they can get on Medicare.

I can totally see where Montanans can be total dicks. Not all of them, obviously. But there is this ridiculous mindset where so many people think that their opinion is right and all other opinions are snowflakes. Thankfully, my boyfriend (grown and raised in Eastern Montana) turned out fairly liberal and super chill

Yes. I live in Montana and most of the people I work with had kids young. Some while still in high school or barely out of high school. I’m one of the few in my 20s without kids.

which is great-for you. But, if someone may not be comfortable with it and does not have the money available to pay, they may feel like they have to because how else can they pay for this? It’s fine for something that really wants to, but this could also negatively impact those that feel backed into a financial corner.

that really bothered me, too. I work in a low-income health center and could not imagine telling patients “if you let the doctor film this, it’ll be free.” That just breaks so many ethical guidelines for me.


Nothing beats The West Wing’s turkey pardoning episode. Although, Obama’s turkey pardonings were also great.

that’s not actually the fault of the ACA. That’s the fault of the states and insurers being assholes and everyone blaming the ACA instead of trying to find ways to make things better.

most terms for sex kind of suck. Boyfriend and I literally just ask each other “fucks?” if we are looking for sexy times.

for serious. I always see Trump supporters frothing at the mouth and yelling about snowflakes and saying “you’re not allowed to ‘be offended’ by anything, you’re not a snowflake” and I just want to remind them that if something really bothers them that much, it seems like they’re pretty offended, which makes them

the justice boner is real

there is a teacher that is being charged with molestation and people fucking set up a GoFundMe page to support him and having hashtags like #IStandWithBashor

same. I didn’t start watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette until I watched UnReal.