I know it’s not popular to say ‘round here but I fucking love love love Coldplay.
Pulling for that Hapsburg jawline to start coming out.
I suddenly feel so inadequate. *sigh*
10/10 do want same picture but with George VI and Wallis Simpson in place of Jessica’s Husband and Mom.
The article about Madonna/Sean Penn also refers to El Chapo as “a pint-sized billionaire” and I can’t stop laughing. REALLY, RADAR?
Yes. He’s just perfect. <3
I never followed Bowie’s career, really. So I was sad for people and their loss. But Rickman’s passing is just destroying me. I can’t fully articulate it, but I think it’s partly what you mentioned: he was making movies so recently. And seemed like he had so many left to do.
Trying to process the news this morning I said out loud “But... I didn’t think Alan Rickman would die?” It was a weird moment. And Col. Brandon is my absolute favourite character is any movie. Rickman’s portrayal of Brandon makes me swoon in a way I can’t really explain. The look on his face in this picture is all I…
I know it’s a really obvious sentiment but Andy’s tweet is still kind of profound to me? I’m having a weird week. The tweet struck me as an “oh yeah” moment. Thanks, Andy!
I wish I could give you a million stars for that .gif. I cannot stop laughing.
The whole “concept” of The View is people who have different opinions talking about a variety of topics. So... so... how would the show even exist if you weren’t disagreeing with each other? How would any conversations or ideas exist if we didn’t scrutinize opinions?? What if your opinion is actually disproved by…