As we’ve seen before, being competent, well-prepared, and well-versed on policy does not do much to help women win.
As we’ve seen before, being competent, well-prepared, and well-versed on policy does not do much to help women win.
where is the comfort with Trump? 1,000 point swings seemingly day-in/day-out on Wall Street, coronavirus pandemic now hitting US and WH can’t keep from fucking lying daily, NoKo launching missiles, Iran refining nuke weapons, we don’t know if we’re out of Syria, in Syria, out of Afghanistan, staying in Afghanistan,…
It shouldn’t even be about who is deserving or not deserving when it comes to monetary policy and taxation. Whether Elon Musk is a “good” billionaire or someone like Donald Trump is a “bad” billionaire is entirely irrelevant. I don’t particularly feel the need to confiscate all the wealth of the rich, but it is…
Elizabeth Warren was the only true front runner who was properly vetted. Meanwhile Biden and Sanders were allowed to fail upwards.
She was the most qualified and best prepared. She had step-by-step plans on how to achieve her goals, and said goals would have benefited most Americans.
We are totally ready to have a female President.
2 women on each others shoulders wearing a trench coat and a fake mustache for prez 2024
I completely understand why she has dropped and I still broken. FUCK this country. This is the smartest, most competent, most capable and genuine candidate in the whole field but the ignorant voters want to keep the status quo and go with another goddamned old white guy. FUCK this country.
It’s been half an hour, and I’m still clenching muscles I didn’t know that I had an hour ago.
Not just taught to expect nothing, but conditioned for it.
By your rationale, the men’s team shouldn’t be paid hardly at all because they can’t beat the men’s teams from other countries.
She never should have put herself in the position to be criticized.
I don’t know if anyone listened to her interview on the Daily, but it was infuriating by the end. I even felt like throughout much of it, she was very smart, very composed, and I didn’t totally agree with her take on most of it, but she came across as reasonable (not commenting on other cases, only the people involved…
What made her so successful is that her sword was righteous. She has a talent for speaking truth to power in a way that is constructive and substantive. She lands a hit without going low. I also appreciated that she stood up for her opponents several times when they were the targets of unfair or just plain stupid…
If my facebook feed is any indication, people fucking LOVE angry Elizabeth Warren, and the ones who don’t were never, ever going to vote for her anyways.
The worst thing about the establishment support Bloomberg is getting is that there is absolutely no good reason for it. I’m not much for trying to predict who is “electable” or not, or who can win over undecideds in Trumpville or whatever, but if you’re going to play that game, nothing about Bloomberg screams “Winning…
Oh my god shut the fuck up, two states out of 50 have voted. I’m an obvious Bernie supporter but just shut upppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
She never went away. And this fighting persona that people begged her to unleash in the past few months has always been there.
The thing is, I kinda do blame Elle.