
Political rant:
I’ve been getting emotional on politics lately, and just it’s been making me sick a little. Obviously, it's been an unimaginably awful week and it's the norm for the Trump administration to do 2 or 3 extremely embarrassing things every week. He's trying to circumvent the health vote by cutting Obama

Dick (the 1999 film?) is a pretty underrated film. It came out around the same time as Election, so they were treated as dueling movies. Then there were dueling movies the previous year with political commentary: Rushmore and Primary Colors. Interesting trivia tidbit: Mike Nicholls directed Primary Colors and his old

I was watching the Ozarks which isn't that bad and Burn Notice and have also been on a bit of a movie watching binge (I watched 4 films in the past 10 days or so in the theater plus the classic Birdman of Alcatraz and Scott Pilgrim vs the World and because of a blogging project I'm doing with a friend, and a guy

ok, open question, who was the silliest villain to appear int he 1966 Gotham: I think the Mad Hatter's love of hats was pretty silly. We once had a debate over which Batman villain read the most gay, and I felt like David Wayne played him with a certain degree of flambouyance and maybe the love of fashion ("hats"

Hmmm, that would be funny if Pittsburgh were Gotham. I don't know why. Doesn't seem crime-filled enough? Maybe some place tropical for Gotham like Kingston, Jamaica would be hillarious

Late to Clone Club update:
Last I checked in, I just finished season 3. Season 4 was a bit of a slog. I think this is one of the best shows I've ever seen (even though in the golden age of TV, it's a lot of apples vs oranges) but it does take its toll watching so much of the same show in succession, despite the

I'm not overly familiar w kid rock, so I am guilty of a few things w my first post. I apologize bc it did sound like an endorsement of the guy.

The opening scene is the free running scene? ill admit I liked that a lot. Wasn't a fan of the way it ended as I said in a post above

You should read the book "White Trash" by Nancy Isenburg to learn about the history of white disenfranchisement in the United States. You'd be surprised how little it's antithetical to the black disenfranchisement that seems like a very popular political cause around here

Great drinking game idea: Drink a shot, everytime Jeff Bezos is mentioned in a Washington Post article and a disclaimer in parenthesis that Bezos is the owner of the WaPo

What a coincidence, I was the poorest person yesterday in the entirety of Pentagon City mall for a few hours when I bought sunglasses

For me, it would be disrespectful to my actual relatives to call someone my uncle and aunt who isn't my uncle.

There is a line where people are lost causes, but I think we disagree with where the line is, and I'm willing to explore it as far as I can go, it's certainly a better solution than just standing up on a pedestal and thinking of them as socially backwards patriarchy-loving misogynistic environment-killing retards or

What is BFE. Yeah, I call congress. I should probably stop by and visit those offices at some point in the near future since i live int he DC area.

"here was probably never going to be a version of this film that would prove even remotely plausible as a movie someone felt passionately about making for artistic reasons; "
Exactly, so why is an audience accepting such a silly premise.

Sorry, I completely disagree. I'm appreciative of any voices that are willing to be moderate, that are willing to connect both parties (politics is the art of compromise), and are willing to speak put against whichever of trumps policies they can. To act like a republican senator owes me or my belief system anything

Hmm, I was wondering why I felt very oblivionly lately

I'm so so tired of being inactive other than constnatly arguing with my two republican friends and occasionally calling congressmen. People give me suggestions about how I can help bring down Trump.

Dylan, even if you're nine, screw you. You don't know why people think Trump is mean? Could it be that he calls people a loser all the time, throws people under the bus and has a humongous ego? You've literally never looked up the records of other presidents who actually accomplished things, and didn't seek to

So I take it you, Katie Rife, don't support Kid Rock? What else is new.
I imagine he's a bit more moderate and could get the redneck vote than the current hate machine in the white house