
Country works better w two parties
It's too dangerous to allow this administration to continue for another day if it means keeping McConnell and Ryan in power,so be it

yeah, but then again, if you're ok with stomaching that, then more power to you.

Yeah, you're starting to become one of the people I really would love to see banned,Anton. Being on the right side of history doesn't mean being a jerk towards anyone that offers a different opinion

I don't think you're much worse than the right if you're going to be that nasty to anyone who has a logical argument. That's what the right is currently guilty of

You know what's annoying is that most of the republican senators who could end Trump's reign of terror and stupidity would benefit immensely and save themselves such headaches if they just threw him under the bus and distanced themselves from him. Unlike some spoiled democrats who think that because if they lecture

Jay and Mark Duplass's Togetherness epitomizes the flaws of the dramedy approach to comedy: Write it free of jokes, then throw in some anticlimactic tension-inducing twist at the end (like having Mark Duplass fall on his penis) and sell it as a comedy and see if audiences go along under the premise of high art.

and James Van der Beek who ill have trouble taking seriously after Don't Trust the B

I'd be remiss if I said you haven't given me something to think about. I admire your response.

Some of us have no memory of coke classic so the standard coke taste is the standard coke taste for us. (edit: oh wait, that was new coke)

What the hell, why are they attaching sugar to the name of the drink? That defeats the point of selling a diet drink. Diet pepsis, I think, generally taste better. I just had a diet pepsi wild cherry at the movie theater this afternoon and couldn't tell the difference

Could you make an argument for freedom of religion:

Simple: too many plot twists make people disinterested in the characters and the specific plot twists in that film lacked gravitas. On top of that, these kind of gun violence shoot 'em ups are a dime a dozen so McDonaugh had to work extra hard to distinguish himself in that case which I don't think he did

Not sure about the research but don't men have a higher libido?

That's true. I'm rethinking my initial thesis. What if it was a meeting that wasn't about business promotion. Would you chastise Pence for turning that down?

If we both hate Trump, than why are you tearing me apart over such a small deal. Also saying "and you know it" is a little bit dismissive. I think differently than you do, and I'm getting the sense that you can't accept that. What about the person I'm arguing with on fb chat who thinks the Russia scandal is just a

that joke flew over my head

Well, I fucking hate the guy and think he's the worst candidate in presidential history to run for office. He just sent civil rights back 20 years today by taking away transgendered people's right to serve in the army and he didn't even have the guts to do it through formal channels and that's on top of his disloyalty

you know I should re-edit my original comment. It was dumb. I know nothing about Rick Ross other than this article

He didn't say that everytime he tries to get with a woman, it automatically happens. It could also be that the act of trying to fuck them could also get him in a lot of trouble. Is that still discrimination?