
That’s why I never label myself as a feminist, ha, but to be fair, I am also not a strong feminist.

This reads to me like simply a man who cheated on his wife and was a bad husband, didn’t that used to be called being a bad person? Now with this feminist overload, it’s now called committing a crime on all womanhood?


yeah that was a process that seemed like a hassle. I’m quite scared of the future as well.

ppl love hating on Gwyneth Paltrow. OK, granted now there’s some sizeable evidence to take issue with her, but for years before this stuff came out, Paltrow was mostly made fun of for having rich parents?

Interesting about the Philippines, we have a lot of dark chapters in American history. I don't know if we should remove all monuments to all figures of mixed legacies though with such haste. If you drop the statues overnight without town halls and all, people have legitimate reasons to feel disenfranchised including

What show should av club cover that it isn't doing so?

Yep true, it was kind of sad

I'm at least glad that you're allowing me space for my views and not showing hate to me.

Oh my god yes! Thank you for your support. That's exactly what I'm saying. Might also want to thumb up my statement

Please pretty please enlighten me with your interpretation

A pedophile should not be able to approach a child propositioning him, that's a one on one conversation which is different. He's allowed to preach beliefs just like anyone else. I don't trust anyone to define "hate" it's wracked up w too many cultural variables of the moment and can be politicized all too quickly, so

Jesus christ, this is starting to get scary, and I've written form southern poverty law center myself. To expect companies to censure or face negative backlash is a little extreme.

ha, but now a lot of people think the show is good.

What about Christian Bale, Anthony Hopkins, and Catherine Zeta-Jones. If you count Ray Milland, that's at least 4 Oscar winning actors to come out of Wales

Anyone seen Bonnie Tylers' literal video?

Wales= a country (although not a nation, it falls under GBr)
The M4=a highway
Bonnie Tyler=a singer
Best=an adjective meaning superlative of good

Wow, that's pretty cool, I'm actualLy friends w show Co creator Chris Rogers from college. I last had contact w him sometime during s 2 of the shows run. If any one has questions about the guy from his college days , I'm happy to answer

Personally, I remember her most from Boardwalk Empire and Mozart in the Jungle and like her a lot, so glad she did this

I should rewatch Life on Mars. If I remember correctly, it has a cool title but it seemed like a pretty standard procedural. I think it's about a cop going to the 70s, right?

I still don't understand why she was the 90's it girl or why she was one of the most scrutinized actresses in the world when Rounders was being filmed? She was in a few indie movies beforehand.
If anything, she's just more of like a solid character actress in the 00's and 10's who was in exactly one big budget movie

Why of all the great shows out there area they devoting effort to Duck Tales? I can't imagine this show has that much depth. I don't remember it being a particularly clever show, but I do remember the guy diving into a pit of money.
Also, I'm glad that the mayor of Sacramento is well-versed on Saturday Morning