
not in the mood to debate, but pragmatically, it could be a lot worse, there are a lot worse republicans than him

Why do people think that McCain will die? the press release said he's healthy now

Yeah, this show is pretty awful. I skipped episode 2, had ep 3 on while I was cooking and sorting emails just so I could comment on the TV club like a sort of book club thing, but I was too late, so I finally made it in time for ep. 4 and it wasn't even worth it.

That's pretty good.

Why, if they pay $30,000, they have to time their ejaculation into that specific of a time window or else, it's $30,000 down the drain? It seems like a Draconian plot manifestation.

It that a Simpsons joke? I haven't watched the Simpsons since around 1998.

No new biological siblings for me. My mother has been uterus-free since 1998.

I don't think this film should exist, but if it does, I don't trust Burton to do this kind of film without relying too much on CGI. How's he going to work the dark, gothic themes he excels at in such a light kid's story? Depending on your point of view, Alice in Wonderland was a success or marginal success or

My parents are in Iceland. Maybe they'll bump into one another.

I saw one episode while doing Spring cleaning and it seemed rather boring. I think I reserve my biggest disdain for shows that occupy the middle ground between comedy and drama (One Mississippi, Togetherness) and think they're interesting enough to occupy that space. Casual barely pulls it off.


I tip my hat to you. I feel like there's a certain heroism to journalists in situations like that, it's clear you do what you do because you love it and not for the money (if journalism in Canada is anything like journalism in the US)

Thanks for the thoughtful comments. So in terms of Felix dropping accent, he had hesitation after he dropped the accent. It was humanizing, but I don't think it completed the mission. I don't know why it would reassure her, because if I was her I would just say "ok, well this guy just put on a fake accent for me, how

Late to the Clone Club notes:
I have made it to the End of Season 3 at this point and was going to start on S4, but I switched my viewing a little for variety and then I got kind of depressed on Friday night and switched my viewing to some lighter fare

I've recently been bingeing on Beverly Hillbillies. Why is this show not a classic today? I think it's the smartest comedy ever made.

PopStar definitely was one of my favorites of 2016, I think I have it ranked at 15 (moonlight is 16), I think it's far to say that few movies use cameos as well. I think the lonely island snippers can be hit or miss and in the long form, the lonely island can get a lot more coherent message

I recently did an article for Fall Chiurch News Press about a guy turning 100. I thought it was interesting that he did [pretty much everything for this town since he moved there in 1953 (the city of Falls Church was incorporated in 1948) and was just a guy who was big int he community but not necessarily the rest of

If I'm not mistaken, you're the entirety of your newspaper's content side, is that right? You manage freelancers, and edit, and do layout and write? Is there anyone else outside of freelancers you hire that work on the paper? You mentioned calling up a publisher, so they probably run other papers too?

They reuse the same villain (Sandman)? I think these reboots are ridiculous. Is it the same origin story too? Why don't you just check out Spider-Man from the local liberary and watch that instead?

Wow, James Polk sounds awesome.