
I would love to watch this AV Club show but I have no idea where it is or when it's on or how to even find it on the internet, mahybe this link will fix that..

Perhaps, it's confusing because we don't really know who the article is written by. Never heard this name in the byline. My instantly distrusting!

Am I the only one never to have heard of most of these bands outside of Ben Folds and Springsteen (and my answer would be Folds, at 3)?

I would say Mulholland Drive was my fifth or sixth favorite film that year (Ghost World, Royal Tenenbaums, Ocean's 11, Osmosis Jones and then maybe Mulholland Drive or Beautiful Mind). it just would have been nice if it made sense. There were like 3 people on the internet who became semi-famous at the time for coming

Yes, I believe that's why I put Catherine O'Hara there, she's significantly stronger in the third season. Also, just to show, I've got significant love for Stevie:…

Thanks for reading. I love Emily Hampshire a lot and happy to meet anyone else who liked Schott's creek

Actually I did see heart breakers that was a good movie. I always consider monsoon wedding a 2002 movie ditto y tu mama tannin. Even critics listed it on best of 2002 lists.

When we had a bunch of Cameron Crowe discussions around the time when Aloha became a massive clunker, a number of people were defending Vanilla Sky, I felt like the ending rendered most of the middle useless.

I've seen one of Bergman's films (Wild Strawberries) and have, of course, been a fan of Max Von Sydow, I loved the conversation Scorsese had with him the year they both got nominated for Oscars in 2011, interesting

I wrote up my Emmy wish list for the comedy categories if anyone's interested to read and threw in my favorite 12 episodes of the year in comedy.…. On the drama side, I've watched my fair share of stuff but it's so much more expansive I don't feel I have a good grasp, I just would like to

I've heard of the Piano Teacher because Isabelle Hupert had some Oscar buzz in 2002, but it is kind of odd that some of these Cannes winners, I have no idea of their existence. It was at the time of those best of decaade polls (run by the AV Club and others) that I heard of Fortunate Son and Yi Yi, but not even the

A rant of sorts:
I was recently thinking that I've only ever really had two bad years of movie watching. 2001 was one of them. It was partially bc I had a friend who I went to the movies with who selected awful stuff (the Swordfish, Rush Hour 2), then I had a cousin who treated me to (Tomb Raider) but even when I tried

comment of the week! (and yes, if you go on my feed, I only do give one of these once a week)

that's most farmer's markets.

Our middle school health teachers were full of s—t. They were basically just phys ed teachers who were forced to recite lesson plans verbatim through health books 3 out of every 9 weeks.

What's a DARE cop? Are they a cop assigned to work on the DARE beat or are they specifically hired by the DARE program (and in the latter case, are they deputized with guns and stuff)? I thought that they were just like presenters from my memory of DARE

My dare story: Never did drugs or anything until senior year of high school. I remember the first time I did a joint and found out it wouldn't kill me, I was like "what else isn't true?" and had a strong distrust of anything I was taught in middle school health. That's the problem.

Cool, I always assume pop culture weekend really means "week"

This show has an unmistakable blade runner influence in all sorts of ways, plotwise

What the f is wrong w Jeff Sessions? Maybe it will revealed that some drug dealer once broke his heart