
But when he gets arrested, it's so much fun! I've rarely seen a talk show segment more entertaining than Shia's play-by-play rundown of how he got arrested in the middle of Cabaret, seriously, it should be one of the most watched clips on YT if there's any justice, and then read the arrest news report side by side w

I agree w AA Dowds review that it get a little Taranrinoesque towards the end (at some point the film just got so caught up in love of guns and Mexican standoff type stuff and greatly wish Spacey character arc didn't end that way ) but other than that great film, I really bought into the love story

I wonder how you feel about horrible bosses

There's tons of stuff on YouTube (college humor, barely political), also try the Pete Holmes show, much of the parodies of which are on YouTube e

He's great. I agree, I like that he dances

Michael Cera was miscast in everything but Arrested Development and that SNL parody of her with Jonah Hill, everyone knows that

I really really should get around to watching that film. I hated most of the films that came out in 2010 and hear that could be a good one, anyone know if it's streaming anywhere. The local library doesn't have itr

To say parody is a lost art is absurd when you think of all the tent poles that aren't played straight. Stuff like 21 jump street, rush hour, get smart, Lego movie, etc all use parody.

I didn't even bother watching anything with such a dumb title

I will read that. Thank you


If you have some news stories of people of color being paid less at the same wage job, please share.

why would you pay them less?

I think it's a real problem in Silicon Valley, but I mean, and maybe I'm wrong (so please correct me), I don't know of any cases where in Walgreens or those wage jobs, they would pay a women less. I was an assistant manager at domino's pizza and never saw anything in the hiring manual about how you should pay a woman

I tend to believe there's only so much headline space, only so much attention span in the general public to go around.

oh believe me, I don't feel any sympathy for superstar athletes who are short-changed on contracts getting 3 million or 4 million

I don't think you can downvote anymore, can you?

Crying about whether Emma Stone makes 13 million or 16 million seems like a poor use of your feminist efforts, no? If the real issue is that women make less in sillicon valley or whatever, could the argument be made to focus on that stuff rather than use pop culture news as a feminist sounding board?

hey, i called out instances when i felt something was wrong on this thread. Perhaps, it's demeaning to say that people with disabilities can never consent because that takes away their agency, like criticisms of Silver Linings Playbook. I've actually read Dear Abbey columns where she advises people looking on the

YGM is a great film. Before I had any sense of critical consensus (i.e. which films were the ones that were up for Oscars, rotten tomatoes, making best of all time lists, imdb reviews, etc), I just asssumed that You've Got Mail was one of the best films ever made, particularly in its genre.