
communal playing of games and a poorly designed game are two different things, no?

Dave Chapelle was in Sleepless in Seattle

We're way ahead of you Scott. The implications are currently being debated in full detail below.

Natalie Portman played such a terribly annoying character, I thought she was autistic and had boundary issues in the first scene.

The kid is certainly a challenge. Kind of stumped thinking how it could possibly be a good situation for the kid. I suppose if the dad, uncle and grandfather did most of the raising, the kid would have it better than most kids with just a single parent

I thought she had 2 or 3 kids?

I can see both sides of it. If I were going to play devil's advocate, i'd argue that it's not like Adam Sandler just wakes her up every morning by being like "hey we're married, let's get it on." He shows her a video of the memories he has of her and the fact that they now have a couple kids, so you get the sense that

That's a weird, kind of offensive, verdict of peopple with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses that any form of love we have is unkosher because we've got issues?

I think its telling what those talk show hosts said in their editorial to the Washington Post: That Donald Trump is more a different person since he's started running for president than now, that' explains why a lot of people were once fans of him, if you just put some of his former personal acquaintances in the room

makes sense, I had no idea who they were before

sounds like great ingredients for argument-based sex, plus when you and someone go down in a plane together, if you have any inkling of liking the other person you're gonna confess your love for them then and there, that's what every movie teaches, at least

oh oh, anyone remember Star Trek Voyager, where Amelie Earhart showed up in space on the other end of the galaxy, that was as ridiculous as the Saturday Night Live parody they just did where Spock's half-brother came from the Jersey Shore

Totally interesting.

If you're interested i wrote up a blog entry with my 65 favorite film quotes. I did a lot of scouring on imdb's quote section for it

You mean by "decrepit" it's a blight on the landscape or is occupied by horrible people or what?

I remember it being a good film too. I liked the line that went something like "I don't make up my mind about something unless it's over and done with" does anyone remember how that line actually went?

i can't imagine there's more than one that came before the famous one with Humphrey Bogart

Lady from Shanghai was the one with the funhouse of Mirrors, right?