
congrats on your first

I think it's the right amount of romance going on. I wouldn't want it to turn into Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants or anything like that where we're just wondering who will get shipped and who won't.

nice to meet a fellow brockmire fan. Speaking of Brockmire, that was an awesome abortion plot. i felt so in suspense over whether she'd swallow the pills successfully or not.

Well, perhaps the mistake is believing that Rhonda is a ditz in the first place. I never see her as ditzy or dumb in any way.

My grandparents from present-day Iran don't have bdays either.

I hope Sam and Rhonda get back together. She liked him for him, he felt things were complicated bc she wasn't discreet, maybe those are problems that can be overcome? I like those two. Mark on the other hand is a creep, get rid of him

Whoah, so little on.
Most of what I'm watching- Sense 8, Orphan Black (S1-S4), Glow, Man in High Castle- is on Netflix and Amazon at the moment.

DD3 has no reference to Arrested Development?
I think i watched Jeopardy a couple days ago with my parents and there was an attractive brunette named Theresa who was schooled by a woman of South Asian descent. Is she still on the show?


Well, the way I saw it, if Scott knew for sure she was a lesbian, he wouldn't have even thought he had a chance with her, which makes the case Cosima was meant to be ambigious to us

You were totally respectful of my time constraints, my response was towards the other person. I will say that I'm getting burnt out by watching too many epsiodes so fast even though it's a fantastic show, so there are other advantages

That's what we call a spoiler, but no worries

I shouldn't yet check the review bc I'm not caught up that far, but I just wrote up some thoughts on the first five episodes (after this, I will definitely read the reviews)::

"Genghis Khan maintained a spartan, simple life, living in a ger, eating
with his fingers, as any nomad of the steppes would. His sons were far
more decadent, and the empire collapsed under their rule"

most reviews I read said skip to ep. 3 or 4

Alas, the show is on Showtime, and I'm not springing for Starz, HBO, or Showtime after having subscriptions to Hulu, Amazon, Netflix and CBS so I gotsta draw the line somewhere!

But at the end of the day it's not one person's place for someone how to tell a stranger how to spend his or her time, entertainment-wise. I try to remember that when telling someone else "you should drop what you're doing and watch this." For all you know, I could have six kids or ailing parents or might be the

Most women would reject Scott though

What about Ridley and Tony Scott's program in 2011, that doesn't count?

NEW MEMBER of the Clone Club here with an update.
Last week I said I'd never watched this show but was thinking of diving in and I watched the entire first season with your support.