
NEW MEMBER of the Clone Club here with an update.
Last week I said I'd never watched this show but was thinking of diving in and I watched the entire first season with your support.

oh wow, yes, I like that this show is unashamed to be Canadian, haha!
Wow, 150th Canada Day yesterday

Not staff just contributor, I'm centrist and would gladly write for the liberal sites but those guys didn't want my stuff and the AC did

To be fair. Kutcher and the show creator said show found its footing in S2, but I mean it does sound pretty bad

If millenials aren't as bad as I see in some of the cases I'm hearing about like Yale and evergreen college and Missouri, I'd be all too happy. In fact, those milllenials are flat put bullies and the millennium on the show aren't. Also, stories like the students at Cornell (I think) who tried staging a protest over

I feel like its reasonable for fans in the 20th century to watch a show like star Trek, expect a character to fall into a nationality like Korean or Japanese, and look for clues to confirm their instincts. Yes maybe in the future those distinctions were less strong but not the present. So if Sulu by Takei had a

Is it train wreck bad that I could watch it ironically?

I'm tempted to watch Netflix's the Ranch for that reason. I was seeing Ashton Kutcher talk about the show and Kutcher reads so well in press interviews and I think he's sharper than ppl give him credit for, but it was baffling to see someone so enthusic of what sounded like a Terrible TV show

I've never understood the problem w cultural appropriation if you're not offesnvie

The imaginary twin brother of Charlie kauffman?

That is quite a review title.

1. Any of the parties or celebrations in Futurama since the group is so coherent and close-knit and they generally relish and chance to avoid doing work.

did he do it more than once?
Not a big Stanley Kubrick expert. I did see Eyes Wide Shut

true true

I'm so happy to read your post just bc I like your attitude and I'm happy w her fans have good expectations and don't spend their time whining as if things are supposed to go their way.

I'm a little happy the shows renewed but doubly happy just experiencing your happiness second hand

It's a gleefully sappy mess like bad luhrmanns films. I think its increased the sap factor in S2. I felt like the big storyline were in S1: Wolfgang's escape from gang life, Lito coming out and getting his lover back, tuppence Middleton surviving, etc

But even then there are like a dozen shows that are also great: lady dynamite, grace and Frankie, the characters, Marcos, etc

S1 is much better for me since those people are discovering themselves for the first time. It's hard to replicate those stakes and so far into s2,. I'm seeing the Will plot being dominated more by a complex mythology. I think the beauty of S1.was that it wasn't a superhero show

I agre but it is kind of unreasonable for them to keep everything on the air. It's just not feasible economically but I do want to see a network be held to a higher standard of serving fans than the networks and I think sense8 was a reasonable move. It's just tough bc the costs were too expensivd