
Wow, yeah, it sort of makes us wonder why buy tickets and send money on anything that comes out before April. There's the occasional gem like 300 grand Budapest hotel or be kind rewind or the ghost writer but for the most part you know the studios are just using that space on the calendar as a dumping groins

I will tha KS for the recommendation

Whoah, we're six episodes into this already? I didn't even know it came out.

with richard gere and laura linney and steve coogan?
I thought that one hadn't come out yet

Apparnetly that is true, Split is the biggest hit since Signs. How the heck did that happen?

That's kind of ridiculous and somewhat diminishing to everything else to hold those other shows on a pedestal. I think several of these shows are comparable to those shows if you removed the word-of-mouth context those shows got.

I left behind Crazy Ex-Girlfriend after Greg left and it seemed like they were going to have Rebecca oscillate between being on again and off again with Josh every other week.

It seems like we'd make good friends.

Legion was pretty trippy and cool to look at, but I wonder if it ever started to become coherent. I was in about 3 or 5 episodes.

what is WOT?

I'll have to give it a rewatch, I liked the first episode but there were points where it didn't hold my attention in the other two episodes I saw. I think i watched it way later. I love Clive Owen and Andre Barrett and Steve Soderbergh and now Soderbergh is unretiring from movies so that's good news.

They already gave Sense8 a Christmas special (as in another episode to tie things all up?)

I didn't watch Twin Peaks mostly because my schedule is busy enough already (right now I'm doing Man on High Castle and an entire 5-season catch-up on Orphan Black and I just watched all of I Love Dick), but I'm not sure how the show got to be such buzz unless you were born in the 1970s or earlier. I wonder: How many

Whoah, so much to comment on:
I'm unfamiliar with Catastrophe and Dog Down. The only think I know about Rob Delaney was that after seeing the film "How to Marry a Latin Lover" I made a comment that I've never seen a film with more Robs in it (Huebel, Riggle, Lowe AND Corddry) and Rob Delaney randomly wrote me back and

OK but plz answer how Allison, Felix, and Sarah all ended up in Toronto. I would think that if Mrs s raised them in Canada, they'd acculturate in terms of accent

Well that's because not many ppl were in the dining room to hear that conversation in question, I assume.

Awesome, I think I'm going to go with your plan. I watched 4 episodes so far, here are some notes. I think I'll try to journal as I go and post that alongside episode reviews. Is this the last season? I wonder if I'll be able to catch up to the present in time without using up too much of my life to binge, haha:

Cool, well, I watched the first 4 episodes so far, and it is indeed a pretty cool show. I took some notes if you want to respond to them, I think I will just keep writing and journaling as I go and post them alongside episode reviews:
-It’s very smart that the sci-fi premise is layered over more exciting genres

Also, humblebrag, I've played pickup basketball with ex-secretary of Education Arne Duncan