
I wasn't particularly fascinated with this guy, but I do remember the statistic that 7 of 9 Asians survived the Titanic which was pretty high. The other 8 were Chinese laborers for a british coal company being shipped off to Cuba under their employers dime because of a coal strike. The Chinese were truly second class

When I became a Titanic obsessive for a while a lot of people asked me why I was interested in sucha depressing story, and I replied that I think there's a lot of heroism and positive stories too, so I'm a bit of a glass-half-full when looking at Titanic survivors including this one.
He did survive, he had a family,

I don't know if Molly Brown was hailed as "the hero of the Titanic." I have spent tons of time hanging around (an awesome site) and consider myself an expert but it's still hard to follow the myth of someone who gets glamourized and turned into a legend after they disembarked. I always

I'm halfway through season 2. Thank you for responding thoughtfully to my writing rather than just listing your own stuff.

History of Weird Girls which is a stand-out episode isn't about sexual awakenings. Toby is jealous of Dick's accomplishments, the curator is passive-aggressive towards Dick as a boss, and Chris yes is having a big sexual awakening.

I believe Marfa was also the setting of the film Bernie (and probably the real-life story that inspired Bernie)

I thought that was SNL one-season wonder Laura Kightlinger?

I keep track of how many times I see an actress in a film, and I haven't had a Kathryn Hahn-less year at the movies since 2009 (2010 I can't remember, 2011-Our Idiot Brother, 2012-The Dictator 2013-We're the Millers. Secret Life of WM 2014-Bad Words2015-TomorrowLand, 2016-Captain Fantastic)

i'm afraid to ask but what is spotted dick?

-You should reference the season or something.
-Also, it's odd that you have to pick one or the other, totally different genres, but whatever floats your boat
-On women being attracted Norman. I don't think the general idea is that he's a chick magnet. Like most guys in high school, there's generally one or two girls

Funny I also watched Blaade Runner for the first time ever. I would recommend reading the synopsis and review and symbolism and just all-around great write-up at (also I would recommend I think a lot of the disappointment in a modern day viewer comes from mistakenly thinking sci-fi has to

Unintentional? The movie was produced by Spielberg and the kids with absent parent figures bonding is a huge theme

OK, here's an idea for a segment. Streaming movies that were just too boring to finish:
For me, the netflix original The Discovery I watched because it was Robert Redford's last film and it seemed to have an intriguing concept but it was like a scifi concept film with an indie Garden State type feel, a terrible match.

Any Man on High Castle fans in the house? I'm starting to see this as a great spy story about a spy (Juliana Crain) who's really inept. Joe Blake as blank slate really annoys me. How is she not dead yet? I'm starting to warm up to General Smith, at least he's pragmatic. He's such a domineering family member and makes

this seems like a cool show, i've known from its existence. exactly how attention-holding is it or is it more of a slow burn? also, can you pick it up easily from S5? I don't know if I have time to spend hours on end catching up, and what's the best way to watch it online?

wait, to mask is under misogynism and ignorance is a bit strong by my understanding, I just read in the news that she's under FBI investigation again and there have been quite a few discrepancies in the Clinton foundation. I think she lost partially because she's a woman, and I voted for her and she is definitely less

yeah, i was annoyed too. i thought they had a POV from like one of the extras or something

That's kind of funny because Pharell (his producer) takes credit for Ed Sheeran all the time. It's a rare privilege to have two black people fighting over you

he's rather ubiquitious though, you've probably heard his songs in doctor's waiting rooms or shopping malls or movie soundrracks and stuff "Lego House" "Thinking Out Loud" "Sing" "Don't" "A-Team" "Shape of You" etc

well, at least with a-team and a couple others, he is one of the few people in that age range to write songs about ppl other than himself and his love life