
But it doesn't really qualify as a joke, does it? I think a stand up comedian would advise him to rework his material.

I would! I don't ask enough of my songs other then that they will be catchy and I will listen to them over and over again

Well, all the ppl who have to sell that stuff at mall kiosks is who I feel more sorry for

This is all pretty fascinating. That ppl would even try to sell something like this. Are they diluded or partially right?

I j ust wikipediad this, Walking on Sunshine was only introducted in pop culture in 1985? Wow, I thought it was like public domain or something.
Katrina and the Waves sounds like a band name in bad taste in retrospect, considering Hurricane Katrina broke the levees in New Orleans and caused flooding (the first took the

Kind of confused: I play piano and one of my music books is of songs from movies ("Hot Stuff" and "My Heart Will Go On" to give you an idea of the time period) from the late 90s and "That Thing You Do" is on there, Fountains of Wayne I thought was a 2000s band, and I just youtube it and the "That Thing You Do" song

i know you'll all beat me with a caine but i was never a fan of Stacey's Mom, it just sounded very generic.

It's hard to tell who's a one-hit wonder in the present bc they could have another big hit, but off the top of my head, I'll list some ppl who I only know for one song and perhaps others can chime in and know whether the artists are famous for anything else:
"Call me Maybe" -Carly Rae Jepsen
"Habits" -Tu Lo

Leonardo A Garcia's caveat epitomizes what's wrong with a lot of people who overanalyze "pop" music. There's nothing inherently wrong with a song getting popular.
And yes, "Just a Friend" is annoying as hell and flawed. I don't really believe in analyzing music in terms of good vs bad because it's so much more

No they're not all bad days but yes sometimes the world can look that way. Of you're in a rut, perhaps you need a vacation even a one day vacation? And yes, why not take those yummy antidepressants, if they're right there in front of you, go for it

iirc, the two major hurdles are someone has to nominate you and the star has to accept or something. i know someone like george lucas never really had any interest in going through the hoops, so he doesn't have a star.

why is this a bad day?

was the walk of fame ever prestigious?
its really been watered down over the years as far as i can tell by the inclusion of pretty much everyone who wants one. i think getting your own full bio on imdb is more selective at this pt

1. you know what, i probably ran my mouth off a little this morning.
2 i still think if that's the context, AVC should report it better in context.
3 i do know people in real life who have facts wrong about Uber like that Travis K. did the sexual harrassing or said the quote that ended up being attributed to the COO

that's something that's very valid

to be fair, i probably could stand to read that. it sounds like a bunch of people who weren't him sexually harrassed some people and that he fired them.

that's fine

well part two of that statement as someone who has a working knowledge of reading siddurs in hebrew is that "yahweh" isn't a word Jews ever use. I remember reading it in a world history book and being baffled about that description of my religion.

thank you!

I agree. It's probably some internal thing. The news media got awfully speculative here though if they didnt know the full story either