
I'm glad you agree it wsan't news either.

Who's the Batman villain anyway?

also, goddamnit, am I going to have to open up a new window to look up Herman's Head?

sonunds a bit suspicious to me if she shopped it?

Isnt yahweh some sort of interpretation of god's name?

the AV C should write about that then present us with so little evidence of wrongdoing on his part. I don't know what the Dollop episode is but I'll take a look. Are you referring to some sort of podcast (you say "episode")

I'm sorry, I have to label the hit job AVC and it's SJW staff (as well as other media outlets) is doing on Travis Kalanick as one of the stupidest and most disturbing things going on these days. Don't worry, fellow liberals, i still think it's far behind people still believing in Trump post-Comey testimony, the

I would have thought that Titanic's aftermath would have opened the eyes of ship crews to the potential for widespread loss and prepared them better, so it was simply upsetting to know that the Lusitania handled things worse then the titanic

I think I got a little more about the Lusitania to learn

Unfamiliar w a maid cafe

But you said you wrote almost all of the 16 pages and we're responsible for assigning stories to freelancer so what does the fellow reporter do?

Calgary is a beautiful city. I went bobsledding in the Olympic Park for I believe $45

When I was a kid, Hard Rock Cafe used to be aboout the t-shirts. That was like the mark that you'd been somewhere cool. My mom got me a hard rock cafe tshirt when she went to Winnipeg and I was like "Behold, other 4th graders! I have a t-shirt from Winnipeg, I might or might not have been there (and I don't know where

Short answer: It's neither cool nor embarrassing. It's what you make of it. If you enjoy it, you enjoy it. There's your middle/high school PSA of the day.

Living seven years after having the affirmation of a legal victory, your community behind you, and being with the love of your life isn't awful. It'd be worse if he had a chronic disease that made him miserable over 7 years, but he got to live 7 years after the events of that movie as happy as you'd imagine he would

Never heard of Frontier, there's so much orgiinal stuff on Netflix that's just buried underneath everything else. Might check it out.

I thought you said you run the whole paper, are your co-workers more on the advertising side?.

Little of the 6 hr period bw when we hit the iceberg and when the Carpathian started picking up its first survivors is recorded in any concrete version of history when you think about it. Most of our information comes from testimony at a series of congressional hearings that people had their motives for it. There was

Closer to 3 in the case of the Titanic. Fair point