
I was really thrilled to seen Tina poke fun at this group of students. As evidenced by the student who bullied an administrator and her husband who merely said they should lighten up about Halloween costumes (then got an award for it), I'm not sure these kids can take a joke.

Actually. I think the uber liberal certainly have too much power on college campuses. The student at Yale who bullied a resident advisor and her husband out of a job should lighten up on Halloween costumes just got an award, American university is demanding a blacks only section of the cafeteria and the administration

what exactly was Oscar Isaac promoting. I'm noticing an odd amount of Last Jedi talk. This is a film that comes out in December people!

any other good stories for those of us who haven't read her books?
I did buy my mother Debbie Reynolds' biography for Christmas

no, it's a threat against Jeff surely

Thank you for your compliment, just going back to this as I go down my threads: I wrote on the Last Man Standing controversy here at TAC: http://www.theamericanconse…

Lillian is my favorite part of the show period

I don't know who guru Josh is but yes. I remember thinking in 1999 that the world would end or time would stop or something weird.

I thought it was an entire album accompanied by a very long video?

This was oodles better than the premiere and I enjoy seeing Jackie and Lilian paired off. I didn't watch lemonade. It sounded like a really avante garde thing which turned me off but knowing it was avant garden
Was as much as I needed to know

To me it's like two levels of a parody I've never watched young Frankenstein but I get Frankenstein. The story of a mad scientist who creates a monster is pretty popular in cultural imagination. I suspect if I watched Frankenstein. Young Frankenstein would work on bonus levels

We must fight and unite, us slow bingers!

Exactly! I also just consider it a nice structural thing in my week: Sunday I'd making history night, Thursday is Brock more night. Wednesday is fresh off the boat night. Etc

I mean, I personally take a few weeks to watch it. I'm not a bigger. I'm still watching grace and Frankie. It's unfortunate that K.K.U. and all of you want to rush the discussion. If if we're the av club editor I'd advise K.K.U. to release these farther apart. What's the harm of waiting until a few more ppl are caught

What does cut him up a nerd mean?

Somewhere around 1998 or 1999 I was hanging out with my friend who I told I'd never seen star wars and he was like "what?!" And we were arguing over whether I should see star wars or not and he finally just said, you know what you're going to eat h it now. And I saw about 15 minutes. Then that summer, phantom menace

Man. I just got pwned. Very humbled. I'm also going to be onsite for the fourth straight year so very excited

I guess I'd classify myself as a tolerant liberal, I don't see it like that. I just see it as being a liberal doesn't automatically excuse you from being hyppocriticL

Makes sense