
You know what: I just had an epiphany of sorts.

I don't know why we have to tie this to politics but fear, I am surprised by the level of hate. Feminism doesn't seem particularly protective of supermodels is one bias I've noticed. Then again I'm against ageism and it's interesting to see people fight that here

Good use of the word clandestine Katie Rife. That's one of the study words for this year's scripts national spelling bee

I think the second one wins

Re: the line about feminist mystique: That's a pretty baffling feminist assertion Danette. It's now a weakness under SJW rules for a woman to want romance? Since we know you're so pro-women w your agenda why didn't you take the easy bait and criticize the name "baby"

I didn't see the original, can someone plz clarify: what is the context of that line?

yeah, fx networks won't accept my comcast or amazon prime passwords so I can't watch this show unless I go to my parents house and use their TV or splurge on itunes. So i didn't make it past ep 3.

there's no reason to believe that he won't run or will run. it's ridiculous to speculate

Guys, 2017 isn't even half over. There's absolutely no reason that anyone (even potential candidates) can speculate on what will happen in 2020. For all we know, the US will be partitioned between Russia, Norway, and Venezuela by then with California being an independent state and Colorado being a nuetral zone of sorts

Garrison Keillor is liberal? He likes country/bluegrass music so I assume he's red. Also when you think of ":out of touch" with America, Keillor hasn't updated his musical tastes since 1940, so I think that could hurt him politically. What will his campaign theme song be? "Oh Susanna"?

Well, we also don't know if he'd vote no on Sessions now either so that's a hypothetical. To a degree, McCain is responsible for Sessions, but if he changes his views, I'd welcome that too, that's what this country needs. I'd back him and Graham over any other conservatives. I still like what Seth Meyers did though

true, but he will stand by the constitution and basic government. I can live with Pence (I can't accept an American government led by Trump) and I will trust the democratic majority in 2018 to block his more foolish measures.

Well, that doesn't bode well for us on the democratic side of things, because a lot of constituents in these states are red and polls show they still want their represenativies to do dumb things like not see Trump as a corrupt piece of shit.
So this works both ways….

I disagree with that too (as I'm sure most people are on this board), we are not sore losers of the election. That paints as people who aren't forward thinking. We're upset with his actions in the present.

did you miss Sicario?

I agree with "battybrain" to an extent. There is such a thing as going too far in trying to obstruct Trump for the sake of obstructing Trump and a number of liberals on these boards have endorsed such a scorched Earth philosophy.

what's the percentage of republicans agaisnt trump?

In response to you: words can be powerful. I appreciate him using them. I think feeling the opposite way is just reeking of entitlement. Neither John McCain or any other politicians owes you nothing.

Well, I suppose you're not really for the idea of me championing President Pence either.

i dont want to support that thinking though