
don't large swamps of people like Tom Hanks too or Elizabeth Banks or Jane Fonda? they did actual work campaigning for Hilary

Whether McCain votes with Trump 92.5% of the time is not a good metric. McCain has become more and more disgusted with Trump, leading me to think that if say the confirmation votes were redone, he might have voted no on Sessions, for example.

I'm still baffled why DwaYneJohnson is our de fecto presidential candidate out of everyone in Hollywood (aren't there plenty of other actors who are also great activists?). Is the rock even known for his activism or his politics?
As far as I can tell, he's an action star who's slightly more articulate then Jason

I agree w the reviewer, there's very little room to do a pop culture send up to such thin source material. At least Charlie's angels had a whole spy crime fighting kicking ass motiff.

Then what's the pt of the procedure

Very weird how non car buffs became so patriotic but I guess there's some bias when you are in the room as he says. As I've gone from live TV to Hulu more, I don't know what to make of this at all, maybe I'm missing some big hole in pop culture

Even thought Lupita has an Oscar, am I the only one who trusts Rihanna's acting abilities more? I saw 12 Years a Slave and Queen of Katwe and I don't know but I also don't think I've seen Lupita's range. I can't think of anyone really worthy of taking home the crown for best supporting actress among the people

Casual is a great show. Made my top 20 last year.
Thanks for reminding us its back

I think the world of Canon City is good enough to keep you going through the early episodes. I love the sort of hybrid dystopic Wild West and some characters like Burn Gorman are menacing enough to be interesting on screen even if they don't have much of an interesting back story.
I think it breaks up enough plot

Agree Frank lost his sister and her kids, and he doesn't see an endpoint in the political struxcture, it's as good of a time to go kamikaze as ever.
I'm glad I read this bc I didn't know what to make of the murder. I think the editing and cutting was too unclear for me to make out what happened. I didn't see the

I just disagree and think ppl how want to wave them off as lost causes might be guilty of a certain hatred or condescension of their own. But who knows, maybe I will change or modify my views once I exhaust that option

i think it's literally like the only thing we CAN do because they are holding the country hostage. Because their poll numbers are so high that republicans in congress aren't as motivated to touch Trump.

I'm not saying red staters don't travel abroad. I'm saying that blue staters might not have any idea what red staters are thinking. I for instance only know two people in my entire circle who voted for Trump (one's my dad and he thinks Trump is an idiot)

what are some good daily show clips or colbert clips or last week tonight clips I can show conservatives to demonstrate the fallacies of their thinking in supporting or underplaying Trump? I don't think this one did it for me

I mean, let's not get distracted with things that aren't a big deal. is the orb comparable to obstruction of justice, trying to deny medicaid, bringing back the war on drugs?

Dennis, you unfriended me on fb (ok, that's understandable) but then you blocked me on twitter? come on, that was mean, it's not like i've done anything to not be supportiveof you

where specifically were you when this all happened?

if you come across a foreigner, you should always engage. chances are they don't have any more info than you do on why the country's gone astray because they live in a "blue" state or urban area, so they have no idea why the red staters are believing inthis idiocy. If it's a Trump supporter, now is a time to offend.

Not that I take offense or anything, but I try to point out to Americans with voting power that this is not hillarious. Real people are being affected

I'm trying to just talk to trump supporters and convince them as best as I can. But I hear you we're all in this together