
First off: Noooo! Vanessa was my favorite.

Captain fantastic won something

Your writing is really good and it's by of that I beg of you, split up your paragraphs so it doesn't fall into your territory.

I don't think Chris Gerhard is a great stand up when it comes to bits and punchlines, to me he's more experimental and he's also a solid actor. Like does anyone remember the time he asked a guy who wrote a mean comment on him on Imdb to meet him in person and filmed the interaction or the dream analysis bits?

I tried watching Robert Redford's last film the discovery

The square sounds pretty awesome. What won at Cannes last year? I seem to recall captain fantastic and Elle winning prizes of some sort

I wish this was broken up a little by day. It's too long did not read a bit even though it's all really interesting

this is a good series! And can I honestly say 2001 was such an awful year in movie going for me that it's a wonder at all that I ever saw a film in 2002 and continue to be into movies today.
I saw the vapid Swordfish, the instantly forgettable Tomb Raider, the racially backward Rush Hour 2 which relied on easy Chinese

that's it? it said you were typing for several minutes, but yes, point taken

Robert Redford would make a good president, but he's currently 80, so that's too old. Seriously, his record of activism and getting things done is amazing.

Why Dwayne Johnson of all people? Other than doing slightly well with some of the worst mataerial in moviedom and becoming a surprisingly decent actor for a former WWE wrestler, I don't see it. If you're going to go with an actor, how about someone who's mastered their craft and has a lot of experience with activism

Many of the downvotes came from red states though…

I am looking this season (and esp. this episode) but how many people have liked Archer all the way through. I found last season really boring and quit before the 10th episode. What did other people think?

thanks for the tip, i'll check him out!

26 thumbs up votes don't lie, scratstich, Zach and Coke's pun was a resounding success by popular vote!

Yeah I disagree big time on the last sentence. The original news that those guys just covered was done by newspaper repprting. Now that trump is trying to shut down free press and the journalist killed in mexico made the news and spotlight won best picture, I would hope people would appreciate the press more

Leno lost his touch on pop culture decades before finally retiring and he still had a sizeable fan base and major news outlets treated him like someone who mattered. I doubt he'll fade into that much obscurity

I'd say screw you Jimmy Fallon be he's a poor interviwer and just an irritating presence. But I doubt he cares about his numbers. He seems top simplistic. I imagine the suits coached him before a press tour

films like X3 and Apocalypse are just very dense. It's hard to do that much exposition and action at once, but I don't think that's necesarrily a problem, ust rewatch it and it's great on 2nd viewing

comment of the week!