
Apocalypse isn't that bad on second viewing. It's just a very dense f ilm.

If Spicer leaves under bad circumstances, he will surely do a tell-all book that will screw Trump. Why would he be loyal to a guy who fired him?

hahaha! comment of the week.
Well, Al Franken is a senator now which I think is higher than an ex-governor and perhaps higher than a sitting governor.

tl;dr, can we get the cliffnotes?

Geez, Danette Chavez really has it out for Huckabee. I'm taking this as more tongue-in-cheek let's get on Huckabee's case than an honest newswire, though.

you mean "shut your mouth"? weird expression, but yes, true

Yes, totally agree. In any case, I have actually just been assigned to cover this controversy for the American Conservative, so hope you'll look at my write-up, or even inform me.

Very interesting point. I have even more interesting news for you: I am going to be writing on article about th e Last Man Standing controversy for the american conservative, so I'm going to try to get as many viewpoints as I can to keep my grounded throughout this.

Sorry, should have been more specific. They've contracted me to write an article on this petition

Good news! I recently wrote an article for the American Conservative advocating for moderation in film criticism, and now they've contracted me to write another article on the topic.

Yeah but no one ever looked for Home Improvement as some mysoginistic archetype. He was just a bumbling idiot who acknowledged he was a bumbling idiot. He was just not a good listener to his wife. He was a moderately good dad, a loyal husband, and being irrespondible with power tools was his quirk, not some

Hi. I didn't want to wade into that just yet. No disrespect intended. I found the cat calling episode something where he is more preaching to the audience than telling a story. Most of his episodes are very strong first person so they have a side effect of being preachy if it doesn't work for you in terms of quality,

Honest question: Are you sure that's the only reason she unfriended you? Sometimes ppl misinterpret these things.

Also couldn't fox just buy season 7?

I expend a lot of energy trying to get through to more extreme fringes of the left and right even if it's not easy so thanks for your support

I don't think the av club writer was commenting on his level of manliness, saying that's what Tim Allen is known for. Tim Allen wasn't all about being aloof and mysoginistic on HI, though, most episodes have him learning a lesson by listening to his wife

that's extremely generous to say "I mean you no ill will" because a lot of people do. My brother-in-law is conservative (and I hate many of his opinions) but I think one of his most legitimate ones is that colleges must be an uninviting place for him. He's talked about experiencing it at conferences it and stuff and

Home Improvement wasn't bad, and Tim Allen makes a point that within his subculture (Hollywood) he's probably not a very welcome guy to espouse on political views. That doesn't change the fact, of course, that his party is a sinking ship.

A few years ago, I would have agreed with you 100% and I still believe in those ideals, I don't think the existence of gay people, abortion, immigrants, other cultures or two gay guys sitting in a restaurant minding their own business should offend a conservative. But to be fair, a lot of film writing and other forms

I think I'm ok with all shows lasting a minimum of 5 seasons. Yes, a lot of crap will go longer than expected but I don't have to watch that and the flipside is that every show I like wouldn't get cancelled