
I heard the news and came here just to see AV Club SJW the shit out of this. It looks ripe for the taking but I'm disappointed they didn't have their best writer really make something funny out of this news.

I don't know if that's true. Tracy Morgan wrote that in his autobiography and walked back the comment

whoever's doing the categorization for the AV Club (calling this a "for our consideration" when it's an interview or run the season or something) is really falling asleep at the wheel

I know self-promotion is like a wednesday thread, but hey guys, I did a couple blog posts on 65 favorite film quotes:…

Rod Lurie, wrote the Contender…I might have a chance to intertview him in the near future if his series gets picked up

Russell Hornsby was ok in Fences but I preferred Javon Adepo

I'm surprised you're writing this only because AV Club now covers John Oliver every week in a newswire

I'm guessing the MP3 was created similar to how pied piper did it on silicon valley with them all wondering how to group masturbate, having a eureka moment and then compressing the audio files

I like these write-ups, bc I have no idea what John Oliver will talk about each week and whether it will be one of his better or worse segments. With a title like "Dialysis industry" i'm not sure I'm gonna use up 15-20 minutes to listen to it.

Yeah, I just rode for a couple hours in a car with a friend who was basically not willing to apologize for anything Trump did. He was a normal dim-witted guy (also black and gay) who started listening to conservative radio and got brainwashed.

I think he did some film on the Indian subcontinent (not making this up, the AV Club's Will Harris mentioned it somewhere). I'm not saying Kattan didn't disappear from the face of the earth literally, but for the amount of screentime he's had on SNL, he really didn't follow it up very well. I'm not sure who's had it

So everything but the owner

If that his best role, I shudder to think of his worst. He's utterly unconvincing as a Mexican. Amit Tami r off is great in it as well

wow, how many articles do you write a week, btw and are you solely reporter or do you also have editorial duties. I've pretty much never done anything but report freelance with content management in the private sector.

What Orson Welles film do you think has the best cast?

I watched half of Queen of Katwe, it's got a nice setting and a strong sense of place. It's cool to see a film set in Uganda, but wnuhy are all sports movies and psuedo-sports movies (depending on whether you consdier chess a sport) all so predictable and by-the-numbers. There's a reson stuff like Coach Carter,

she's a "stay at home mom to zero kids"? how does that work?

Yeeah, Paul Ryan was pretty awesome

Absolutely, I felt the same thing. SHS has done a lot of blatant lying to the American people on those news shows.