
I know they said that but it wasn't as accurate as you'd think. Mostly a money decision.

"Make America great again?" I'd settle for less corrupt than Haiti, Zimbabwe or a Socialist Republic right now

Yeah, certain segments of orthodox Judaism are pretty disgusting and I'm not even a sjw (you guys would have a field day w the restriction of women's roles). They restrict their kids from ever knowing about life outside ultra orthodox Judaism and don't let them go to college or take up unconventional jobs. They have

Generally pretty disgusting ppl, they think they're above the law in the US and have their own courts, they isolate their kids from learning (aka bad influences, aka pop music and TV) so no one knows what other kinds of lives are out there

In what parts? I just found certain corners like the Oscar buzz area too inside joke-y and I found one obnoxious user on the snl board who thought he knew more than anyone else

I thought there was a hunt that they were going to hook up Capheus and Loti in episode 1, also the German and Indian are paired but not successfully paired. It makes the other three couples stronger these two didn't hook up, so I hope it stays that way

Honestly this is one of the best responses I've ever read. I'm reading it again now

Yeah, I think we have more in common than I originally thought and I regret if I had said anything overly mean to you.

Humanity is no better or worse on Imdb then it is here

I know! The imdb boards closing was a big loss

what if the review came out on the day the movie came out?
or maybe we could all wait to comment until seeing the movie, then user opinions about the movie get buried on the bottom

You should tell that if you ever bump into Clive Owen

Man from UNCLE was one of my top 10 of 2015, I enjoyed it far more than most Bond films. It was an extremely charming and well-made film

What are we supposed to do in this comment space…i mean none of us have seen the movie yet, right?

OK, but Black Sheep and Tommy Boy he's like co-lead or second lead (yes, I'm not saying he deserves more credit than Farley for making those films funny, obviously Farley was a bigger draw, but in terms of screentime), you could also point to Just Shoot Me or Rules of Engagement.

In theory, it seems like a winning idea!

I do not understand anything that happened in this story nor do I know who the other girl in the picture is. I love David Spade's comic gifts as an actor and don't mean to denigrate him but something seems off in his complexion like he had some work done recently?

I think I hear what you're saying, I think, and I think there's a logic to it. It at least like that what you're saying is grounded in political theory.

I liked first season a lot. It made my top twenty of the year it came out and was super-cool. I loved the diversity, the immersion into other worlds, the unique superpower that wasn't really a full superpower outside of switching.

What's the overton window?