
I think this could be a cool film and I usually don't like superhero saturation.
But I remember watching the X-men cartoon in the 90s and gambit was my favorite. If they do an authentic backstory (which iirc involves Cajun voodoo stuff. I think that could be pretty cool)

Both sides need to stop looking to the past. Agreed

And to split the difference, dikachu, I will agree with you here for what it's worth

Dikachu, you're a kind person in real life and I respect you. We've also had differences on these boards that I've voiced, but I have to restate to other ppl reading this thread some of the things I've already said.

Love that Kimmel has permeated political culture bc he gets maligned as a prankster but he's a very thoughtful genuine person. I loved his Oscar ceremony, I love his show and you know when it comes to stuff like Cecil the Lion Hunter or his late uncle Frank, he's really so amazing and able to provoke tears

well, it definitely is something better watched on a large-screen TV than a laptop or desktop, that's for sure

Hey, yes, it actually got good 30 minutes in. I think it's a clever fusion of futuristic sci-fi and noir though I had to do quite a bit of rewinding to get the plot points.

It got good a half HR in

that's the first scene?
My mom commandeered the TV to watch Dancing with the Stars which is a shame bc I could've been back home or out watching the Caps game.

I don't know anything about the Cure. Were they the guys who did the 2002 hit "wherever you will go"?
that's as close as I can get to knowing the Cure.
Anyway, this was still interesting to read in its own way.

I like your way of watching films, no doubt.

the library had that one too. I should go back to the library and exchange them.
Also update: I went to my parents home to watch this bc I don't have a dvd player and then my mom just commandeered the TV to watch Dancing with the Stars so I would have to wait until 10 PM, maybe I should just go back home, go out and

OK, I'm with you. What do you want me to do?

I'm actually watching it tonight while doing some menial work because a friend of mine is running a film group on the films of Ridley Scott and said we should watch Blade Runner at a minimum. ALSO NOTE DC FANS: ATTEND THIS RIDLEY SCOTT GROUP!

I'm having trouble getting into this film. The opening crawl was confusing and it doesn't start in any attention-grabbing opening way, like Star Wars does with a nice space battle or Raiders of the Lost Ark starting with the South American chase against the boulder, or Terminator starting with two terminators

you know this is a non-story Danette Chavez, right?
it's basically a fine at worse and the offending language was said during the time of night when kids aren't watching TV anyway, so they don't have a case against him

Also, first! and second!

This is actually pretty funny bc my friend is running a film discussion group and next months' discussion is on Ridley Scott so he was like, you have to watch Blade Runner by then and I finally am watching it now. I just put in the DVD 5 seconds before logging into the AV Club and seeing this headline.

I was more concerned about originality. I normally am hesitant to see the latest superhero movie or the latest cop parody movie be those are just such saturated genres