
I can see both sides. It portrays suicide as a revenge fantasy, and the closest i've ever felt to suicide in dark times (which hasn't really ever been close on the intent scale), i've wanted to do it bc I thought "well, all those people who wronged me, they can feel guilty when they see my obituary" so it does send

speaking of self-contained series, someone was mourning the loss of American Crime Story, why mourn the loss of that? It's not like Ryan Murphy is going anywhere

exactly, let's just say nwithout spoiling it,
alex, justin, and tyler each did something at the end of the season
that could have fatal consequences so it will definitely be about exploring the aftermath of that.

no, bc they set up a different set of reasons why…without spoiling it, alex, justin, and tyler each did something at the end of the season that could have fatal consequences so it will definitely be about exploring the aftermath of that.

whose "Tyrell girlfriend" died?
whats a Tyrell girlfriend?

"I think a lot of people just feel this a safe place to vent their
liberal frustrations that they may not be able to express to their
families or in their workplace."
Yeah, but I don't find it acceptable to foster an atmosphere of intellectual exclusivity as a result of being shut out of other environments. I hope

I think you're absolutely right, the more inclusive these people become, the more intellectually exclusive they become. Although on a larger note, it isn't productive for anyone to keep dwelling on November 6th, ket;s just all focus on Trump doing illegal and amoral things int he present and that he needs to be stopped

I felt like Free Fire would be mostly a genre exercise in doing a shoot e'm up film and I kind of hate that stuff. Recreating violent films just for the hell of it, just seems like not much of a movie, so i skipped it, did I make a mistake?

It's a movie that either makes sense or it doesn't. I had no idea that Lee Grant was in that film.
You need a blog man…

I think that generally there's a separation between actor and writer, although actors submit material. It's not solely based on which actors write because what would the non-actor writers do all week?

I watched a face in the crowd and checked out anatomy of a murder from the library. Two classics from two great directors but neither is in their three or four most famous films. Anatomy of a crowd is really long and my desktop through which I would have watched it is now broken though I got a good half hour in. I

I watched the Mick season finale and was pretty impressed by how they reverse engineered the premise pretty well if that makes sense. The Mick seemed like a show entirely built around Kaitlin Olson acting like a slobby Deandra-like figure who couldn't possibly be a better parent than the original two parents bc she's

Yeah, good lead actor but no really memorable sketches

This was a little stronger, I felt like ending it w American Idol switch over w just bizarre/random

I'd say he's more wellknown then Chris helms worth. Star Trek has more universal appeal than the umpteenth marvel movie.he was in into the woods, bottle shock, horrible bosses, the colead of a best picture nominee this past yr

Agree w Dennis that they could be creative w their format politically. I think Forrest Gump sessions was their best political thing this season.

Missed it completely, was it on Hulu?

I'm kind of bored of Bobby Moynihan doing lower class New Jersey accents or whatever you call his shtick. Didn't he used to have more versatility? It reminds me of this time I saw this play called Kiss Me Kate and these two gangsters showed up in the middle of the play and I was thinking "yeah that's probably the

I think it was too soon for a handmaids tale parody. I'm trying to remember other parodies of TV shows they've done and whether they did them early in the shows runs or more when a season was closer to nearing it's end. Didn't handmaids tale premiere a week or two ago? The buzz is only starting to simmer