
Both self confident, harbor dreams of grandeur, both are optimistic and cheery, both use a lot of modern slang

Hah. Good point.
Where was the exhibig

Google "Orrin konheim" and "American conservative"

I hope not, I'm glad to hear they didn't want him fired. I just heard of a fire Colbert hasgtag

yeah, from what I understand, I hate Price anyways. Thanks for enlightening me.
I admrire Jindal for his response to the BP crisis in his state, he was not slacking on his duties in the way that government officials were with Katrina, and despite being a republican, he pushed for relief funds and all that, and he's

Thank you! I've been saying this stuff all along. I even wrote a piece on it at the American Conservative

some don't believe that, some flat-out said he should be fired. I think those people are wrong

yeah, it's ok to say that he should've worded it differently, but to fire Colbert is ridiculous and harmful to the gay community considering he is an ally and has decades showing him as a decent human being. Moreso, he's attacking Trump who doesn't respect your rights as much as Colbert. Therefore, I lose respect for

Yeah, but everything they do is covered by a bias. A lot of their TV reviews read as liberal policing and it's starting to reek of dogmatism and intellectual exclusivity. Of course, they're going to be harsh on a govvernor of a red state in the South. I'd frankly be surprised if they didn't have flat-out disdain for

"It was perfectly acceptable to liberals to for Colbert to imply that about Trump" if you clarify that sentence, i'll be able to follow what you're saying

that is the best 16th comment the AV Club has had in years!

The site's gone extremely political, I agree.
I'm glad that you are in agreement.
That's a good word. Just looked it up, why was I supposed to do that?

we shouldn't be at a place where we equate being right-wing with being evil.

i'm not saying go join the KKK, but I find it odd that you have to hate yourself for being white. That just seems more hipisterish than an actual step towards doing good in the world.

I probably wouldn't get along w/you politically anyway based on your dislike of Jindal, but can you clarify what's wrong w/the head of medicare/medicaid?

I mean, he' s just doing his job…what's the big deal. It'll likely result in a fine if I'm not mistaken. At least he's not trying to fire him like those LGBQT activists who I now have a tad bit less respect for (the ones that overlooked his years of being a decent human being in maing that call, not the entire

Aziz Ansari (sp?) plays Dev the exact same way as Tom Haverford in my eyes.

Why are people more interested in marathons from a spectator than a good track meet. I watched the millrose games the other weekend and it was electric. You had two Americans run close to 810 for 2 miles (I think they were one second under or over), 2 women set national indoor records by going sub2 for 800, a 1000

Did they ever run Gerhard answering audience questions?