
thank you

That's cause you're dirty. I have a coworker named Cumming and I don't laugh every time i see her

Kansas doesn't have much but Nebraska has Carhenge, the Dakota's are pretty underrated.

I'll agree to that

Remember that flight attendant who announced he was quitting, took a bottle of liquor and left the cabin through the emergency slide? That guy was badass wish today's bad publicity flight attendants could be as awesome

why cant we keep discussion emerald city related?

Aldrich was like Marvin LeRoy, Robert Mulligan or Stuart Rosenberg, made good films but you never knew who he was. I want to see emperor of the north now? Anyone knows if it's streaming?

He really should've eaten the sandwiches

anyone want to give us a cheat sheet over what's streaming and what isn't. the one about lee marvin playing a hobo and ernest borgnine playing the Inspector Javert of train hobos sounds really good

I think it has to do with the length of the series and how it's a little overly long, because of that factor it gets a bit teenage melodramatic (especially because the crimes in the middle before the heavy stuff) seem really insignificant and that drags the whole thing down

Never heard of it so I'm afraid I don't follow. You're saying heigl looks like Ivanka?

I'm reminded of Noel Murray's essay on here that TV is a middlebrow medium (not in a bad way), mostly because of audience demands (iirc) but even if you were able to put high brow stuff on TV w Netflix's model, you run into another problem: overly introspective characters like Dev and (IMO) Louie became more grating

This site is extremely liberal, they even said they don't mind being called SJWs and most of the reviews bear the mark of identity politics

I can see your point and I've been known to take issue w av club's liberal spin but I think we're slightly closer under Trump then in past administration's post cold war. I think it's more anti cold war since he's alarmingly cozy w Russia

Speaking of politically relevant films, I saw face in the crowd last night, and it is the most eeringly relevant film to the trump administration I've ever seen

A lot of the humor will he lost in translation. I think Putin would need Stone or someone to explain a lot

I really should get around to cancelling Amazon Prime, I saw One Mississippi and Mozart in the Jungle and the Lobster through it, I saw some of Man on High Castle, is that one worth watching through the end?

holy fuck, you guys STILL have to talk about Casey Affleck, and now the town of Manchester is implicated now?

Kristen Bell as guest host! I gotta watch that. I just saw her in that latin lover film.
Kimmel's monologue about his late uncle Frank was the thing that made me realize he was the best in the business.

I was afraid to think that McDonald's fish sandwich is good, but it generally is and I too am a fish filet lover. You forgot to grade the sandwich at The Zachary Taylor Elementary School cafeteria in Arlington, VA which is pretty awful