
Some of the characterization of Hope in the fourth to last paragraph "A smile can only be a ghoulish mask….blackness and cobwebs of her soul" seems like an extremely melodramatic read.

Well, I have trouble forgiving the guy for the nightmares he gave me when I watched Silence of the Lambs at too young of an age. I also have trouble forgiving him for the boredom known as Ricky and the Flash. But there was some good stuff in between and he did direct Englightened if I'm not mistaken!
Do directors and

What the f? Melvin and Howard and Swing Shift were both very successful films, Mary Steenburgen won an Oscar for the former and I believe it either won or was nominated in the screenplay category. Perhaps Katie Rife is into his music documentaries (I've never been much into the genre) but I have trouble believing

thank you!

I see what you're saying but TV shows require FAR more time commitment than a movie. You're talking about quite a bit of money (it turns out I bought 13 episodes on itunes for those seasons to make up for the times I missed an episode) and time. I don't have to sit down and devote an extra 20 hours of my life just to

That's part of the beauty of the show, there's always an underlying layer of unease. But you're right, S5 is more of a horror show upfront

That's likely a good point. Let's just put it this way: I felt the deaths of the people he killed. Even Colby's dad (I don't know if it's entirely manslaughter bc he meant to hurt him) and how Colby is now fatherless. By skipping two seasons I saw him committing less deaths which would have made me feel less angry at

Sincere thumbs up to you. My only hope is you just keep discussions open and don't condescend.

Good interview

Haha. True, the a&e press department sent this guy on tons of interviews. He even had to sit down w TV guide. But they loved the show and especially group press gives them a chance to reunite again

Is anyone else severely disappointed by his British accent? Gosh I hate it when actors are different from their characters

50 episodes?

I didn't hate him but I viewed him as a public hazard. I mean he must be the leading cause of death in white pine bay by this point. I felt very tense at the thought of him killing any more ppl

Enjoy your moment. Looks like you earned it

Yeah but Romero deserved his death. If he let justice do it's part, Norman would've been locked up or executed legally and he would be been exonerated. He also was foolish to not disable Norman more.

Oh I skipped S3 and S4 and am none the worse for it. Life is short, read a couple synopses if you need to. For me, I'm glad I got to experience the final episodes in real time

I. stopped loving Norman once the collateral damage on other lives lost was too high, but I suppose it might have been nice to see Norman in an institution rather than dead for Dylan's sake. I'm most happy Dylan didn't get added to the casualty list. He ended up being the shows Jesse Pinkman and I think he earned his

1. I think it's obviously more wrong to be racist than it is to be called racist. I don't agree with people who say that.

I'm not saying the racists don't exist. I'm just saying not every Michelle Obama detractor is racist. Already answered this elsewhere.

In that case, I'd point that out to the person who says I hate Michelle Obama and try to suss out their reasoning while giving them the benefit of the doubt. I'd view it as grounds for a conversation. Maybe I'd walk away thinking they are racist, maybe I wouldn't.