
Well short answer: his pussy grabbing talk was not about his own kids. I'm not debating he's a creep and that he should not pay for his crimes but part of why I hate Trump defenders is be they have no regard for the truth. Saying "Trump likely molests his kids" is not anything I want to let you off the hook for

Well then that justifies them thinking of you on those terms. Why do you expect and sort of reciprocity if you have zero respect for them. I can't think of any great statesmen in history who just said "ehh fuck the other side" and I have trouble thinking of your attitude as any sort of step forward in history. They

Haha, well, who knows if I'm a good journalist. I get published in some places and rejected in other places. Recently, the American conservative review accepted an article of mine on liberal film criticism so perhaps I'm shifting ideologically a big.

Ehhh a lot of dads say things like "my daughters so pretty …" it's tempting and he's a horrible person but let's not overdemonize

Since when did we believe that "racism" is ever objective. It's bad, so you should call it out, but I'd be cautious of any blanket demonization, because it has been shown in polls that it's pushing a lot of ordinarily more reasonable right wing voters farther to the right.

I took an anthropology course in college, I took some of a sociology. Course and dropped out. I got the feeling anthropology was the real deal and sociology was trying to piggy back off of it

that's why I called it irrational on my part and apologized.

Yeah, I think she's allowed to privately vote for whoever she wants, agreed, and well being a Trump voter is a little harder to avoid if he's a good dad to you and I think he's the worst politician imaginable but there's little evidence he's an abusive dad.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be as accusatory as I was. A bunch of people have beef with me on these boards, sometimes it's hard not to spit back. That's why I said the "you guys" rather than you specifically.

thanks for the reasonable reply. personally I liked michelle obama. she went to Princeton but unlike most Ivy league grads she didn't flaunt it and she was the first person in her family to go to college so that's pretty awesome. actually, little not to like about Michelle

yeah, all I know about that guy is that he lost a lot of presidential elections. Were his primary wins at least impressive?

to be fair there are some connotations to apes and blackness, certainly not the most sensitivte thing ever

Like I said to Dikachu, we have to marry activism with hope. i'm holding out hope for 2018, however foolish it might be.

I'm idealogically a bit different from you but I share your hatred of the Trump administration. I think you just gotta marry action and hope. Right now, the Democrats are prepping for a 2018 massive election victory and we'll need all the positivity we can get.

The Russia thing takes time. I'd say Sally Yates getting on the stand is a good sign.

I can't stand Donald or Ivanka but I have no beef with Tiffany. I know someone who works at the white house and she said Tiffany's pretty much staying out of the whole thing. Being the daughter of a terrible person doesn't make you worthy of scorn.

Come on, that is a stretch: Not liking Michelle Obama does not mean you're racist. I don't have any beef with you before this post so I'm speaking in a more general plural second person, but why do you guys enforce a climate of ubersensitivity where people have to watch their words carefully to not offend minority

damn, this guy's been cut out o a LOT of things.article is unclear of why he got cut out of Boston Public, a show I watched. I remember him being way too unattractive to realistically landing the attraction of Rashida Jones.

i'm about to watch the clip, but I kind of do think that in the event that Donald Trump isn't impeached immediately, Jared Kushner and Cohn are the lesser of all evils when it comes to Trump's ear. Of course, his more reasonable cabinet members like Rex Tillerson should also have the president's ear.

Why I think it will be like GA