
Am wasn't ahs supposed to end after 5 Eaton's?


Mary Astor's purple diary

Well it's a little known fact that Andrew Garfield has assassinated a couple heads of state between film projects

That is absolutely correct

he's much more than Spiderman, sure, he's also hacksaw ridge, silence, lions for lambs!

Yep, it's nuts. One of the nuttiest things I've ever seen. The Bible belters, progressive education theorists AND all kinds of merchandise salesmen show up

I've been watching 13 Reasons Why, I feel like I kind of have to get to the end but it's a big time commitment. It is good in some ways but it's mostly dumb and full of plot holes that aren't even worth trying to patch up.

is it a good film if you don't care whether it's saying anything about race?
i'm also not a fan of the horror movie genre.
I do like Jordan Peele of course

I'm currently reading a fantastic book about the Mary Astor trial. Mary Astor was a Hollywood actress who had kept a diary since she was a kid and her 2nd husband was a good-for-nothing doctor who was by no means the breadwinner of the family. He found her diary and her affair with a famous playwright as well as

I love the Scopes Monkey Trail! and ppl should check out Dayton, Tennessee, which has become a circus every year on the anniversary of the trial.

you should check out Sarah Vowell's Assassination Vacation. The Charles Guiteau assassination of Andrew Garfield trial was even stranger. Guiteau argued that it was the doctor's who killed Garfield (bc they all grazed around his insides with their unwashed hands trying to find the bullet) whereas he only shot him.

Iceland is awesome

I spent 1 week in Iceland in the winter and 3 weeks in the summer when I was 24 and I thought I was the only one, when the av club starts sending ppl there to sample then hot dogs, you know the place is no longer cool

This is one of the most transient places I've ever seen

Oh, OK, then my sincere apologies. A number of ppl here have beef w me

what's your beef? My general stance is elaborate (and I'll gladly and respectfully take anything you have) or go fuck yourself.

Yeah, but the costs of hiring someone to watch the kid while you are at work are very high. My attitude towards Bo/Cheyenne is the same as my attitude towards a lot of couples that seem baffling from the outside, in that you can't really know from the outside why 2 people work

this was actually a good episode, yeah.
I think Bo adds a lot although I do feel that he's a bit stereotypical, he's genuinely funny.

kind of embarrassing, Les, that you watch Son of Zorn (although who knows maybe the show got better after episode 4 or so)