
Damn, I really wanted to like Jeff Flake. I've talked to his staffers two or three times on capitol hill. I was so impressed with his efforts to get in Trump's face during campaign but he seems pretty silent now.

I'm wondering if it's the same Ken Levine who used to write for Frasier/Cheers/MASH (and I think Mary Tyler Moore) with the really awesome blog and the side career announcing baseball games.

Definitely going to have to give this a read when I get the chance, looks like a cool article.

Also, yes, conservatives are more alienating than liberals by my standards and clearly by your standards too. But I'm just saying that there are a lot of self-righteous liberal a-holes that don't do their causes any favor

My main concern is that many people don't realize that being on the right side of history doesn't excuse them from being a-holes.

It could happen by 2018 but we have to stop alienating Republicans and swing voters

huh? I thought Onion was owned by Univision

It was very funny, too bad they didn't post the video

Have you seen the onion lately? I don't know if they're any less funny but certainly much less prolific, almost no video, not what they used to be

You're saying the reporter is obligated to mention the nominee count (I presume that's a style guide thing) or glossed over that Dianne Ladd was famous?

I wonder how this affects the value of my Laura Dern Reese Whither spoon action figures

Most actors aren't as award obsessed as we are

The David o Russell movie Joy was also a terrible culprit. Certain movies like Salt, Hugo and Carol came from longer titles.

Probably pretty late to the discussion, but I was 6 to 16 in this decade and like Erik Adams I thought Batman Forever was the best thing since sliced bread when I saw it and was properly obsessed with it. I think it holds up pretty decently if you remember it's audience and is nowhere near as bad as its sequel and

interesting. It's more in use of bigotry, is what you're saying?

I didn't say I was ok with it.
But, yes, I'm reconsidering what I originally posted

Oh wait, Violet was Saved by the Bell.
I think maybe there''s a 25% chance that if you had told me that on an upcoming episode of Family Guy, Steve Urkel's female cousin would be showing up, I would have said "I'll bet it's Jaleeel White dressed as a woman" but now we have know way of knowing

I don't know, who are you to tell someone if they're being homophobic or not. Phobia is by definition a fear, so if someone feels fear of something, that's always legitimate. Whether it's socially acceptable to feel that fear or what you do with that fear are two things up for debate.

Employee of the Month was one of my least favorite films ever. That same year he did Idiocracy so I'm willing to forgive him for it.
Plus bonus points for being married to Kristen Bell

wtf, there's now a film called Life?