
I was thinking that was Myrtle, but now that I think of it, that was Saved by the Bell

Refresh my memory, who was Myra?

I think Reginald Vel Johnson was on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia recently and I remember him on Monk. yeah, i guess that's not bad

but the pilot hasn't been picked up right?

You know. I thought about it again and I'm not that for its use in hip hop music either FWIW.

you mean June Dianne Raphael or did he have an earlier wife?
I suppose you could make a case that Paul Scheer is among the less attractive people in Hollywood, but that's a wee bit harsh, because it's not like he was trying to be the "Mad" mascot, that's just how he looks (unless you mean you thought he was putting on

I'm kind of disappointed that they're married because on their podcast they seem to have such good platonic chemistry.

How odd that she sees the Golden Girls as a hang-out show. I feel like to an extent, the GG were kind of kvetching old ladies and reinforced stereotypes of old people, whereas Grace and Frankie is a much more nuanced and complex view of old age. I'm glad JDR sort of admits that Grace and Frankie is a better show.

I see where you're coming from and I don't think it's a high-minded thing, but I think it's kind of really effective to demean a man like Trump or Sean Spicer as a little bitch, and it's becoming more of an equal-gendered curseword (particularly in hip hop), though I can see the connotations, so I agree with your

Well, at least he lived long enough to see the movie that was made about him!
There is a long list of historical figures who died between the greenlighting of a relevant production and the release of the movie/TV show including:
Katharine Hepburn, The Aviator
Fay Wray, 2005 King Kong remake
Virginia Johnson, Masters of

good for you, i like that website

whoah dude, you must be old!

I'll take it!

He had a blackout after having sex with Miss Watson or while having sex with Miss Watson. Didn't Miss Watson know something was off during?
I also kind of thought that Miss Watson's attraction to Norman was perhaps subsconscious, wouldn't it take quite a bit of forethought on her part to to decide to have sex with a

Yeah I kind of understand that school of thought, but I'm not going to devote 23 hours of my life (I watched 7 episodes of S2) just to make you happy.
The purpose of watching TV is enjoyment, and I would not enjoy watching those 23 hours this late in the game.

I stand corrected. I should have said "Christina Aguilera can't act AFAIK"

Yeah, but isn't the crew being encouraged to laugh too?

That's actually a spot-on criticism. John Teti is a winning personality on his Pick a Choice show but putting him behind an anchorman desk reading off punchlines feels kind of awkward at the moment. Format changes aren't an easy transition for a lot of people. I think they need to try harder to get Teti in his element

Quick! get justpazzingby a RottenTomatoes account

That is kind of odd: I wrote for a site called TV Fanatic and the first thing they wanted me to cover was the kind of bland procedurals like NCIS and Chicago Fire and it was because they had the most page views. I'd like to think my work for the site was pretty high-quality but they didn't always aim for such heights