
Oh my god yes! The half-laugh-track is among the most awkward things I've ever seen. Either have zero audience or do a larger audience (I mean how many AV Club readers are in Chicago anyways? Probably a lot, just get them into the studio, I imagine they'd have an easier time getting people to watch Teti live

Is the person he had sex with in a car the bartender at the bar from this episode. There seemed a vibe between the two.

Bradley didn't get murdered either (unless something happened in the 1st season). She avenged her father's death then escaped on a bus.

But did it need five seasons, I think this story could have easily been told in 3 or 4. The longer it went on, the more we had to suspend our disbelief that Norman wouldn't be caught unless they reduced the number of murders/mysterious deaths per season.
Then again, I skipped S3 and S4

Christina Aguilera can't act.
What do you mean the show's being cancelled? It's a 5-season show. The ratings for the fifth season should be higher if even a small fraction of Rhianna's millions of twitter followers watch this.

I like that Rhianna likes Bates Motel. Is it overly stereotyping to think that a pop/R&B singer from Barbados who seems to have kind of a bling-filled lifestyle would not like this show?
And as long as the actor can act, I see nothing wrong with a fan being cast, if you have affection for the source material, it shines

Well, as I said, just because you're on the right side of history doesn't exclude your from saying or acting however you want. I find the left to be intellectually exclusive the more racially inclusive they attempt to be.
It's not either/or. It's not an approval of racism to recognize the actions that caused them to

So I'd like to take a sort of take-a-step-back and think about the absurdity of the situation approach.
I didn't watch S3 or S4 so please humor me (no, I'm not going back to watch them, that ship has sailed due to time constraints and I know how they end), but how exactly does Norman get away with anything?

What was the point of Norman's action of revealing he knew Madeline's husband was cheating? I thought he wanted to get away from her and didn't trusthimself with her? Adolescent confusion?

It's a very competitive category. Maybe this year?

Well, it was a lot of hype and I think she was pretty good. I admire her choice and I'd rather she do the show than not do the show, plus she can bring her fan base with her that I imagine is of a different demographic.

I'm not sure w/Cable Guy and can't comment on the sociopolitical effects of his act. He's probably giving a voice to the rural white crowd, and I imagine he could probably take it in negative directions. I remember David Cross (who I respect) had a good feud with him a while ago.

Confession: I don't even have an idea what Fusion is

A sincere thanks for your reply. It's thoughtful, respectful and has points.

I agree with you if what you're saying is Tim Allen said we should discount Trump's immigration rhetoric and that's dangerous.

I think we both are in agreement

Correct. a good starting point to reasonable discussion IMO would be acknowledging that Tim Allen is disowning bad parts of Trump's agenda. When I talk to conservatives to try to sway them away from Trump, I say "ok, you can be conservative, but you should disown the inefficient and hateful way that Trump goes about

haha, Kelsey Grammer? I mean he played an unsufferable rich snob for longer than any character in the history of sitcom TV, so I would imagine it might have rubbed off on the real person.

Holy go f—- yourself Sam Barsanti.