
Did anyone ever watch John Teti's new show? I don't even know how to find it on the remote or on Hulu?

I think you are correct though, Sam Barsanti is on the right side of history and I too think Trump's presidency is a national emergency but his News wire is extremely heavy handed, promotes a level of dogmatism I'm not comfortable with and is wrong on many levels that I don't have the capacity to express on my cell

For me, there are like 20 different reasons to care about the Oscars, so if you shot down a couple of them like "the awards goes on too long" or "It's too self-congratulatory" I'd still have a lot of reasons why I'd tune in.

I don't think it was heavy on comic relief. I think the level of weight that I put on post credits sequences to my enjoyment of a film is less than 1%

I saw Once, John Carney's first film.
I didn't get it's charm relative to his other two films.

Is the lure explicitly stated as a little mermaid update?

The AV Q & A last week asked what bad show do you keep watching and for me it's this one. It was originally a good show, but it's been treading the same water for years on end. How many more hobbies are there for Phil to get sidetracked in, how many gbirls are their left in Manny's school district to continue to be

are you sure you're not thinking of Matt LeBlanc, I like Matthew Perry. I mean you have to like Perry more than LeBlanc, right? That seems like a universal kind of thing

George Stephonopolous?

None of these choices excite me although come to think of it Fallon is less annoying when he's acting then when he's attempting to talk to adults having adult conversations.
Melissa McCarthy in the five-timers club seems ridiculous considering she's very one-note. She makes first season Leslie Jones and Pete Davidson

Why, I came to this article just because I knew it woul dbe a goldmine for humor. I don't think Sean O'Neal's on the newswire team anymore, but I'm sure he was like ":ooohh, I gotta have that one!"

Good luck John. I only worry that this could weaken the site if people become more worried about the TV show?

Definitely hoping this board can come up with some good Picard/Professor X pot-related jokes. oh, we've already started doing that? great, my prayers have been answered

Wow that is a freaky coincidence.

I'm so in the bag for the Oscars, it's ridiculous. I think they're about as good of a system as you can get for awarding the best in film bearing the subjectivity of art. I think it's so much more hispter to say "oh the Oscars have no credibility because of Dances with Wolves/Crash/Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman, blah

wow, watching the Oscars for 20 years…pretty impressive.
I think the first Oscars I saw was Steve Martin for the 2000 awards, then skipped a year and followed the 2002 but didn't really see the ceremony, and then 2003 on, I was very immensely hooked, so about 15 years for me

Not particularly familiar with Hannibal: It's about a guy who eats other people's insides while maintaining the veneer of a sophisticated doctor, right?

Loved the first season, second one nullified the first one's happy ending and became really difficult to watch.

Though Walter White enters through stages of consciously knowing he's bad. It will be interesting to see if Norman ever consciously knows what he's done. He for example think Caleb was killed by Norma and has thought of most of his acts as either manslaughter (Cody's dad) or been unaware of them due to his psychosis.

To be fair, I thought this reviewer was a male from the Indian subcontinent because I know someone w the same first name and a nearly identical last name who is a guy from South Asia.